24 January 2013

'24 Hours on the Cote d'Azur'

'24 Hours on the Cote d'Azur'
Last day at the cemetery but we'll be back one day...  The cemetery is above the Old Town, of course, and here we are almost level with the top of two church steeples.


It is a great honour for me that 14 photos from Menton Daily Photo and Monte Carlo Daily Photo were featured on Carla Coulson's beautiful website, Carla Loves Photography.  Carla is an incredibly talented photographer who has been an inspiration to me so you can imagine how much it meant when she invited me to contribute to her website in the series '24 hours on the Cote d'Azur' - do clink on the link to see the post and and to browse and see Carla's stunning work.  Australian-born Carla has published several books, including Italian Joy, Paris Tango and Chasing a Dream, chronicling her move to Europe, first to Italy and then to France - filled with mouth-watering photographs and inspirational words on how she made a new and fabulous life for herself - in love and in photography.  Thankyou, Carla x


Dernier jour au cimetière, mais nous y reviendrons ... Le cimetière se trouve au-dessus de la vieille ville  bien sûr, et ici nous sommes presque au niveau de la partie supérieure de deux clochers.


C'est un grand honneur pour moi que 14 photos de Menton Daily Photo et Monte Carlo Daily Photo ont été présentées sur le beau site de Carla Coulson, Carla Loves Photography. Carla est une photographe très talentueuse qui a été une inspiratrice pour moi,aussi vous pouvez imaginer ce que cela voulait dire quand elle m'a invitée à contribuer à son site web dans la série '24 heures sur la Côte d'Azur '- cliquez sur le lien pour voir le post et  pour parcourir et admirer le travail magnifique de Carla. D'origine australienne, Carla a publié plusieurs livres, dont Italian Joy, Paris Tango et Chasing a Dream, la chronique de son déménagement vers l'Europe, d'abord en Italie puis en France - accompagnée de délicieuses photos et des mots inspirants sur la façon dont elle a commencé une nouvelle vie fabuleuse - dans l'amour et dans la photographie. Merci, Carla x


  1. congratulations on that beautiful post at Carla's site. it's because of you and your photography that we came to menton; you drew us there with you words, your generosity of spirit, and your exceptional images. that was a blessing of an experience, one we will cherish always. thank you.

  2. Lovely shot, the top one!!! Very old world!

  3. I haven't been keeping up with this wonderful series. (Too much work!) That cemetery is such an elaborate layer cake. You could easily make a book of your excellent photos of the scene.

    The day Carolyn and I climbed that hill is one we will not forget.

  4. Brattcat, The Chieftess and Bob, thanks so much for your words. It was such a honour to be featured on Carla's blog and I'm so glad you enjoyed the photographs.

    Brattcat, no one could be happier than me that you came to Menton. You know how much I truly loved the time we spent together. I just hope you come back one day ...

    Bob, the Old Town and the cemetery are just wonderful I know. Am so glad you got to see it and of course to photograph it. Carolyn and you must come back again. I have such happy memories of wandering around Ventimiglia with you both.
