31 January 2013

Broc Troc - Old Bottles

So many lovely old things for sale at the Broc Troc. How about an old glass bottle or a container for salt?


Il y a tant de belles choses anciennes à vendre au Broc Troc. Que diriez-vous d'une vieille bouteille en verre  ou d'une boite à sel?


  1. I believe this is considered a fly trap. Sugared water draws them in and they drown before they get out. Common in the mid-19th century. Then again, I could be wrong.

  2. It certainly looks like one of those, I agree, other than it has a cork?Someone gave me one a few years ago but I never put sugar water in cos I felt sorry for the wasps - well wasps in my case ...

  3. Just me being stupid. Of course the wasps fly in from underneath.

  4. Yes it does look like a wasp trap to me. Much nicer than the plastic versions I've seen elsewhere.
