14 January 2013

Menton's Cat Show - the Cheshire Cat?

Another cat who was entered at Menton's cat show over the weekend.  This is an Exotic Shorthair which his owner told me is a Persian cat, such as we saw yesterday, but with a short coat.

He's called Tyson and lives in Cannes but I think he looks like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland, don't you?


Un autre chat présenté à l' exposition féline de Menton au cours du week-end. Il s'agit d'un Exotic Shorthair dont la propriétaire m'a dit que c'est un chat persan,  comme celui d'hier, mais avec un manteau court.
Il s'appelle Tyson, vit à Cannes mais je trouve qu'il ressemble au chat de Cheshire d'Alice au pays des merveilles, n'est-ce pas?


  1. yes, but tyson's grin had disappeared even though the rest of him is still visible.

  2. I think Tyson is very good looking, but what I especially love is the portrait you captured of his owner.

  3. Isn't he a handsome boy!!!

  4. The Cheshire cat of course - now we need a grin.
