16 January 2013

Menton's Cat Show - the Egyptian Mau

Our last day at Menton's cat show. Here's a guy from Nice, wearing a fur around his neck ... in fact this is an Egyptian Mau cat. Egyptian Maus are a small to medium sized short-haired cat breed. Along with the Bahraini Dilmun Cat, they are one of the few naturally spotted breeds of domesticated cat. The spots of the Mau occur on both the coat and their skin underneath. It's also the fastest domesticated cat and has been clocked at over 58 kilometres per hour.

Notre dernier jour à l'exposition féline de Menton. Voici un gars de Nice, portant de la fourrure autour de son cou ... en fait c'est un chat Mau égyptien. Les Maus égyptiens sont de chats à poils courts de petite ou moyenne taille. Avec les chats Bahreïn Dilmun, ils font parties des quelques races de chats domestiques naturellement tachetés. Les taches des Maus apparaissent à la fois sur leur fourrure et  sur leur  peau au dessous. Ce sont aussi les  chats domestiques les plus rapides, on en a  chronométrés à plus de 58 kilomètres à l' heure.


  1. Dilmun cats... I've seen them so many times in Bahrain, but I didn't realize it was actually a separate breed. They are very sweet and approachable.

  2. I love the picture of these 2 guys!
    And the b+w seems to be perfect for it! Have a nice day!
    Barbara from Germany

  3. You said that the spots are on the skin, not just the coat. I had never contemplated that subject. I hope never to see a hairless cat.

  4. Some of the most common domestic breeds native to North America are the long haired, Persian, and the Alley cat. The Siamese breed can also be found commonly in North America.have a peek at these guys
