08 January 2013

Restaurant Le Petit Port - a Poignant Story ...

There are dozens of creches on display in Menton at Christmas and New Year but this has to be my favourite - not only for its simple beauty but for the poignant story behind it.

Le Petit Port is a well known Menton restaurant and some years ago one of the owners was very sick with lung cancer. He was restricted to his home and to pass the time he slowly built this creche out of the boxes that contained his medication. He re-created the houses of his friends and family and of the restaurant. Sadly 3 years ago he passed away but each Christmas his wife, who continues to run the restaurant with her sister-in-law, covers a table with the creche, to honour and to remember her husband.

Do look carefully - it's incredible to think all this is made out of cardboard boxes that once contained the medicines that kept this gentleman alive.


A Noël et au Nouvel An, il existe des dizaines de crèches exposées à Menton, , mais celle-ci est  ma préférée - non seulement pour la simplicité de sa beauté  mais pour l'histoire poignante qui l'accompagne.

Le Petit Port est un restaurant bien connu à Menton et voici quelques années, l'un des propriétaires était très malade d'un cancer du poumon. Il était contraint de rester à son domicile et pour passer le temps, lentement, il a construit cette crèche avec les boîtes qui contenaient ses médicaments. Il a recrée les maisons de sa famille, de ses amis et le restaurant. Malheureusement il y a 3 ans, il est décédé, mais à chaque Noël sa femme, qui continue de diriger le restaurant avec sa belle-sœur, recouvre une table avec la crèche, pour honorer son mari et se  souvenir de lui.

 Regardez attentivement - c'est incroyable de penser que tout cela est fait de boîtes en carton contenant autrefois les médicaments qui ont gardé cet homme vivant.


  1. Beautiful work! The next time I'm in Menton I will visit Le Petit Port.

  2. how remarkable. thank you for sharing this with us.

  3. This is very special, Jilly. I loved looking for the santons among the shops and houses he created. What a lovely way to display them.

  4. What a tribute to a person who made the best of his life, and in doing so, left a legacy for others. I am touched and appreciate your photos and the story.

