23 February 2013

Fête du Citron - Pagoda

In which Passepartout takes a too great interest in his master, and what comes of it.

'The colonising genius of British people had created an important city and a famous port called Victoria. The island is situated at the mouth of the Canton River, separated by about sixty miles from the Portuguese town of Macao, on the opposite coast...'

Où Passepartout porte un trop vif intérêt à son maitre, et ce qui s'ensuit.

'En quelques années, le génie colonisateur de la Grande-Bretagne y avait fondé un village important et crée un port appelé Victoria. Cette ile est située a l'embouchure de la rivière de Canton, et soixante miles seulement la séparent de la cité portugaise de Macao, bâtie sur l'autre rive ...'


  1. Wow! Another exhibit from this festival blows my eyeballs out. I really need to see this some year.

  2. Some designs turn out better than others when filled up with oranges and lemons. That pagoda works particularly well and the contrast with the white "pastry" building in the background its striking. Good job!
