21 February 2013

Fête du Citron - Phileas Fogg in New York

In which Phileas Fogg simply does his duty...

'Phileas Fogg, by this resolution, inevitably sacrificed himself and pronounced his own doom.  Only one single day's delay would make him miss the steamer at New York, and his bet would be certainly lost. But as he thought, 'it is my duty' he did not hesitate.


Dans lequel Philéas Fogg fait tout simplement son devoir:

'Par cette résolution, Philéas Fogg se sacrifiait tout entier. Il venait de prononcer sa ruine. Un seul jour de retard lui faisait manquer le paquebot à New York.  Son pari était irrévocablement perdu.  Mais devant cette pensée: 'C'est mon devoir.' Il n'avait pas hésité ....


  1. Now that's a new and colourful version of the grand old lady !

  2. Another remarkable exhibit. What a festival!
