27 March 2013

Cervo - Church of San Giovanni Battista

Cervo is a beautiful medieval village near to Imperia in Liguria, Italy where it tumbles down the hillside to the sea below.

This is the church of San Giovanni Battista, known as the "church of the corals" because it was built thanks to the donations of the coral fishermen (an activity that died out after the great storm in 1720).  It's a grandiose example of Ligurian baroque architecture built by the Imperia architect Giambattista Marvaldi. Building started in 1686 and it was completed in 1784.


Cervo est un beau village médiéval près de la ville d' Impéria dans la région de Ligurie, en Italie, qui dévale une colline jusqu'à la mer en contrebas.

C'est l'église Saint Jean Baptiste, connue sous le nom d'"église des coraux", car elle a été construite grâce aux dons des pêcheurs de corail (une activité qui s'est éteinte après la grande tempête de 1720). C'est un exemple grandiose de l'architecture baroque ligure, construite par l' architecte d'Impéria, Giambattista Marvaldi. La construction a commencé en 1686 et s'est achevée en 1784.


  1. so beautiful. i hope it never "tumbles down the hillside into the sea"!

  2. So you got to visit Cervo. Did you visit other towns in the area too? I hope you enjoyed your visit. It's a year now since I was there. Time goes so fast.

  3. Fotomarg, every now and then I get to visit a different Italian village. Can't see more than one in a day tho, depending on how far from Menton it is. This is the furthest I've travelled just for a day - or a few hours. It took nearly two hours to get there on the beach road so came back on the autoroute which was about an hour. Maybe less.
