12 March 2013

Clematis Armandii

This wonderful plant produces the most amazing show of white flowers every spring and will drape its beauty over fences and trees. It's called Clematis Armandii and is an evergreen climber that needs absolutely no care in our Mediterranean climate. Stick it in the ground and it grows like Topsy.

Cette plante merveilleuse donne le plus étonnant spectacle de fleurs blanches au printemps et drape de  sa beauté les grillages des clôtures et les arbres. On l' appelle Clématis Armandii, c'est une plante grimpante à feuilles persistantes qui n'a absolument besoin d'aucun soin sous notre climat méditerranéen. On la met en terre et elle se  développe tout  à son aise. 


  1. How lovely! This looks so very much like our Clematis paniculata (C. terniflora) which is better known as sweet autumn clematis here in Massachusetts. As the name implies, it covers our fences in the fall.

  2. i'm smiling with pleasure. thank you for this trio.

  3. That is exactly the kind of plant I need. The kind that requires no care and takes off all by itself. On top of that, it's pretty.

  4. I agree with Sharon!
    But it must be frost proof!
    Barbara from Germany

  5. Aren't you lucky to have this wonderful plant in Menton.
