13 March 2013

The Village Bar

My favourite bar in my favourite village in all the world is the Bar/Restaurant Les Terrasses in the medieval village of Gorbio.  I like nothing better than to order a noisette and chat to people at the bar or take my coffee to a table and watch the world of the village go by.

That's Paul on the right with his daughter Vanessa - they own and run the place.  And on the left, meet Gil - he makes absolutely fabulous pizzas on Friday and Saturday evenings.  You'll see him on those days,  carrying the logs for the wood burning stove and preparing all the fresh ingredients. My favorite pizza is called the Gorbarine.  Of course!


Mon bar préféré dans mon village préféré au monde est le bar " Les Terrasses" au village médiéval de Gorbio. Je n'aime rien  tant que de commander une noisette en discutant avec les clients du bar ou de prendre mon café en terrasse en regardant passer les gens du village.

Voici Paul sur la droite avec sa fille Vanessa - ils possèdent et dirigent l'endroit. Et sur ​​la gauche, voici Gil - il fait des pizzas absolument délicieuses tous les vendredi et samedi soirs.  Ces jours là, vous le  rencontrerez, portant les bûches pour le poêle à bois et préparant tous ses ingrédients frais. Ma pizza préférée s'appelle "la Gorbarine." Of course!


  1. Very good portrait Jilly - your framing is well composed. @extradiagetic

  2. There is great warmth in the faces of these people. I find it quite difficult to capture the essence of a person's character on camera. A bientôt

  3. i enlarged this and i'm so glad i did. this image fills me with happiness. thank you, jilly.

  4. If I visit Menton I will be sure to stop here for a visit.

  5. Really looks like an interesting place ;)

  6. "Pizza au feu du bois" - sounds very good! I should eat one there, too, one day!
    Barbara from Germany

  7. Does it sound strange to say they all look very French? To me, these people have about them the essence of France beyond Paris.
