15 April 2013

Tags or Graffiti?

The Old Town of Menton is having its ancient walls defaced with tags more and more.  I love some street art and this does show two silhouettes, but is this graffitti or simply mindless tagging? What do you think?


La vieille ville de Menton a ses vieux murs de plus en plus défigurés par des tags. J'aime l'art de rue et ceci montre deux silhouettes, mais est-ce vraiment de l'art de rue ou seulement des tags sans message?  Qu'en pensez-vous ?


  1. Oi! I say, leave our stones alone!

  2. One assumes they will eventually become responsible adults with a guilty past!!

  3. I also enjoy good street art. This is not art. Just ugly.

  4. This does not rise to the level of street art. And street art should be only in places that welcome it.

  5. i think "shame on them" for defacing the ancient walls.

  6. This is just pure vandalism. They destroy the beauty and serenity of the town. The Mairie should have a program of cleaning this grafitti. In the States, city governments have laws that require private property owners to clean grafitti within 10 days or the city cleans it for them. Menton is a beautiful city and this grafitti just makes it look horrible.

  7. It doesn't matter what it is. It does not belong THERE! People should decorate their own walls, and leave others alone. Some urban centers here in the U.S. have designated bare walls for street artists to vent their creative angst, and have some beautiful murals to show for it. Maybe the Mairie should consider that for Menton.

  8. This isn't good enough to be art, and I agree with Karen USA: even if it were, it doesn't belong there.

  9. Graffiti. Unquestioned. No one gave the local hoodlums permission to paint on the walls.
