31 May 2013

My 'mulot' and me ...

My 'mulot' and me... well, we have a difficult relationship.

A 'mulot' seems to be vernacular in French for several varieties of rat or mouse that live on fruit and seeds.  The word translates as field mouse but this chap is much bigger than any field mouse I've ever met.   I've heard English speakers call them tree rats. So who knows?  Some say he's a campagnol - a vole? For sure, he is cute with his little round ears (a bit chewed), white belly and throat and look at those adorable feet.

The problem in our relationship is that he eats all the bird seed which is intended for the numerous coal tits around here.  So I have no choice - I put out more sunflower seeds - he eats them - I put out more ... I'm keeping the sunflower seed industry in business at the moment.


Mon « mulot » et moi ... Eh bien, nous avons une relation difficile.

Un « mulot » est un nom vernaculaire en Français pour plusieurs variétés de rats ou de souris qui se nourrissent  de fruits et de graines. C'est peut-être ce qu'on appelle un souris des champs mais celui-ci est beaucoup plus gros que tous ceux que j'ai jamais vus. J'ai entendu des Anglais les appeler des rats d'arbre. Alors, qui sait ? Certains disent qu'il s'agit d'un campagnol? Pour sûr, il est mignon avec ses petites oreilles rondes (un peu déchiquetées), le ventre et de la gorge blancs et regardez ces adorables pattes.

Le problème dans notre relation, c'est qu'il mange toute les graines d'oiseaux qui sont destinées aux nombreuses mésanges charbonnières d'ici. Donc, n'ayant pas de choix - J'ai mis plus de graines de tournesol - il les mange - j'en mets encore plus ... Je tiens une entreprise industrielle de graines de tournesol en ce moment.


  1. My cat would like to meet him!

  2. He looks so cute, almost like a moviestar woth those ears.

  3. Yes , but it's soooooo cute!! Do you remember "Ratatouille" by Disney?.. :o)

  4. Anonymous31 May, 2013

    Ohhhh! So cute!!
    No wonder he's bigger than any other field mice with all the goodies you give him! ;-)
    Maybe you can hang something else for the birds??
    Have a good weekend!
    Barbara from Germany

  5. These pics remind me of Ratatouille too!

  6. Love that first photo, but not the rat!

  7. I understand rats make good pets, but probably not ones that have lived wild. He's a cutie, though. I'd feed him, too.

  8. i'm not a fan of rodents but this one is quite fetching when caught by your lens. I suspect all those healthy nuts and seeds contribute to the youth, vigor, agility and beauty of this particular creature.
