19 May 2013

Restaurant L'Ulivo - Sylvano the Chef

Meet Sylvano Gastaldi, the chef at the Sardinian restaurant L'Ulivo, which is tucked away at the end of Place du Cap, Menton.  Super food, some of which we'll see tomorrow. Sylvano was chef for years on the big Cunard liners and said he'd been around the world six times. Glad he's in Menton now as he's a good cook!

The restaurant is housed in a building that is classified as a monument historique in France with its beautiful trompe l'oeil facade.  I'm told the Mayor of Menton is a regular visitor and is a friend of the owner, Pascal.

I was lucky enough to be taken there by my friend Peter from Peter's Paris who came to stay for a couple of nights. Thank you Peter! 

Tomorrow - lunch.


Voici Sylvano Gastaldi, le chef du restaurant sarde L'Ulivo, qui est niché au bout de la Place du Cap à Menton. La cuisine y est excellente, comme nous le verrons demain. Silvano a été le chef pendant des années sur les grands paquebots de la Cunard Line et dit qu'il a fait le tour du monde à six reprises. Maintenant, il est heureux à Menton où il montre ses talents de  bon cuisinier!
Le restaurant est situé dans un immeuble classé monument historique de France pour ses beaux  trompe-l'œil. On me dit que le Maire de Menton est un client régulier ainsi qu'un ami du propriétaire, Pascal.

J'ai eu beaucoup de chance d'être invitée là par mon ami Peter de 'Peter's Paris' qui est venu pour passer deux nuits. Merci Peter!

Demain - le déjeuner.


  1. Karen USA19 May, 2013

    Jilly, thanks for the introduction to Sylvano. We celebrated our anniversary at L'Ulivo one year. The food was wonderful. I remember my fish was served with a marvelous champagne sauce. No wonder we felt like we were at the Captain's table!

  2. Nice to meet you, Sylvano. I haven't been to your restaurant yet. Some day . . .

  3. I was going to leave a comment on your latest post, but see all anonymous comment s... "Peter from Paris" .. how great that you got to see him again,, I have not met him yet, everytime I go to Paris he is not there LOL ... How fun.
