12 June 2013

Fête des Limaces - Competition Time

Wonder what these two are saying?  'Mine is bigger than yours?'  Somehow, I don't think so ...

How about a competition? Best answer gets a postcard of Gorbio ....


Je me demande ce que ces deux se disent? «La mienne est plus grande que la tienne?"  Quelque chose me dit que ce n'est pas ça.... 

Que diriez-vous d'une compétition? La meilleure réponse recevra une carte postale de Gorbio ....


  1. Anonymous12 June, 2013

    Caption competition:
    "I received this one for winning the 100m butterfly"

    Lovely photos of the Snail festival

    Kim, Shrewsbury

  2. "Brother, can you spare a dime?"

  3. No I don't think it's chocolat, I think it's real. At least mine is..

  4. Anonymous12 June, 2013

    "I wonder who of us gets the most LIKES!"
    Barbara from Germany

  5. Anonymous13 June, 2013

    "lookit, lookitt....this is the coolest app. It does real-time location geo-tracking of His Holiness" @extradiagetic Great candid and clever framing J

  6. "I'll see your Saint Michael, and raise you one Saint Christopher."

    But I can't beat the Olympic medal reference!

  7. Your's is a bronze, too? Next year we'll both get gold, god willing!

  8. How can you choose? They're all good!

  9. Anonymous13 June, 2013

    I like the first one best! From Kim.
    Barbara from Germany

  10. Who's the winner? Did not receive my postcard yet..;-)

  11. Hi Jilly,
    Who's the winner? Hoped to receive a postcard from Gorbio..;-)

  12. Apologies for the long time taken in deciding the competition. Really the responses were all SO good.

    Two winners ... Dini, because I'd thought that too! And @extradigit cos it made me laugh and was clever.

    To the wo winners - send me an email with your postal address for a postcard of Gorbio.

    There'll be another winner on Facebook for those who entered that way.

  13. Dini, just found your message in the Google file. So long ago I've no recollection if I sent you a pc or not but can't find an email from you with your address. Please send again and I'll send you a postcard.
