07 June 2013

Vernissage/Opening Photography Exhibition - THIS EVENING!

Blatant self promotion today!

This evening! Vernissage of photography in the Tour Lascaris at Gorbio. Two photographers. Khaled Youssef will be exhibiting his new series of beautiful bubble photos and Jilly Bennett will be showing new black and white photos of life and love in Menton and Gorbio.

Do come along.  Everyone welcome. 18h. Friday, 7th June in the Chateau at the top of the village. Come an have an aperitif and a enjoy the show. Afterwards? Gil, the pizza chef at the Restaurant les Terrassess/Chez Paulo, makes great pizzas.


Ce soir! Vernissage de photographie dans la Tour Lascaris à Gorbio. Deux photographes.  Khaled Youssef présentera sa nouvelle série de magnifiques photos de bulles et Jilly Bennett exposera de nouvelles photos en noir et blanc de la vie et de l'amour à Menton et Gorbio .

Vous serez les bienvenus. Ce Vendredi 7 Juin  à 18h au château dans le haut du village. Il y aura un apéritif. Ensuite? Gil, le chef pizzaiolo du restaurant Les Terrasses / Chez Paulo,  fait de délicieuses pizzas.


  1. jilly, i will be there in spirit. may it be a joyful night for you and Khaled Youssef. please tell us about it tomorrow.

  2. Hurrah for you! I'm having a exhibition myself at my favorite cafe, a bit on the small side with ten photos, but still.

  3. Jilly, congratulations on your opening! What fun! Have a wonderful time, and make sure to share a picture with us!

  4. Jilly, congratulations on your exhibition. Wish I could be there in person.

  5. Anonymous08 June, 2013

    Congratulations Jilly! How I wish I could be there. How fantastic I'm sure it'll be.

  6. Your photographs, exhibited in a chateau atop the village! That's a dreamy image. Congratulations, Jilly.

  7. Jilly I've been thinking of you. I'm sure the evening was a success and the whole exhibit will be too.

    I was in Paris celebrating my mum's 80th but how I wish I could have been there!
