22 July 2013

'Apero Tango' - Tango in the Street

It's one of my favourite times of the year - when Menton celebrates four days of tango. The town resonates to the sounds of Argentina - you can watch tango danced by the masters, you can attend courses at every level, you can see films, paintings, you can buy the outfits including those wonderful shoes. You can eat Argentinian specialities - but the time of the day I love best is between 18h.30 and 20h00 when, each day, afficionados of tango dance in the streets. Some are local, many come from other countries. So prepare for a few days of tango photos where the dancers lose themselves in the rhythms of a smoky bar in Argentina.

Normally 'apero tango,' as it's called, is held in Place du Cap and indeed it was advertised at that venue. At the last minute, the powers that be decided it should be held in a small street at the back of Menton's market. Some of the dancers were not happy - to dance on the a road that is convex and with a difficult surface on which to glide, was difficult. The street is narrow and with a much more closed-in atmosphere compared to Place du Cap - the explanation for the change in location was that the bar/restaurants in Rue des Marins welcomed the dancers. Seemingly they were not welcome in Place du Cap this year.


C'est un de mes moments préférés de l'année , quand Menton fête le Tango pendant quatre jours . La ville résonne aux sons de l'Argentine et on peut regarder le tango dansé par des maîtres , on peut assister à des cours à tous les niveaux , on peut voir des films , des peintures , on peut acheter des tenues , y compris des merveilleuses chaussures. On peut manger des spécialités argentines - mais le moment de la journée que j'aime le plus, c'est entre 18h.30 et 20h quand, chaque jour , les aficionados du tango dansent dans les rues. Certains sont des locaux, mais beaucoup viennent d'autres pays . Alors préparez-vous pour quelques jours de photos de tango quand les danseurs se perdent dans les rythmes d'un bar enfumé en Argentine.

Normalement 'l'apéro tango », comme on l'appelle, se tient sur la Place du Cap et en effet il a été annoncé en  ce lieu. À la dernière minute, les pouvoirs en place ont décidé qu'il devrait avoir lieu dans une petite rue à l'arrière du marché de Menton. Certains des danseurs n'étaient pas heureux -  danser sur une rue qui est convexe et avec une surface difficile sur laquelle ils glissent, c'était difficile. La rue est étroite, avec une atmosphère beaucoup plus fermée par rapport à la Place du Cap. L'explication de ce changement de lieu, c'est que les bars/restaurants de rue des Marins ont bien accueilli les danseurs. Apparemment, ils n'étaient pas les bienvenus à la Place du Cap cette année.


  1. Several years ago I was photographing a couple of professional tango dancers who performed at a sidewalk cafe in Buenos Aires. The couple noticed me taking photos and the woman then came and pulled me in to join her, while the man borrowed my camera to take photos. (My wife was not with me at the time.)

    They took some photos of me in the tango poses arranged by the woman, which included rather close poses, including her muscular leg emerging from the high slit in her black dress to wrap around my thigh.

    The tip I gave them was the best 10 pesos I ever spent.

  2. I remember this event from your previous posts. Wonderful fun!

    David certainly gets around!

  3. Kate, doesn't he just!

    Dave, I love your story.

  4. Karen USA22 July, 2013

    It looks like, once they start dancing, they do not care where they are! I hope the Place du Cap has not become unfriendly. That was our tabac.

  5. Karen, the organiser didn't mention any particular bar or restaurant on the Place du Cap - she just said 'the bars and restaurants weren't welcoming' - I'd have thought it brought business but perhaps the crowds blocked the way. More likely they are trying to bring business to the Rue des Marins.
