12 July 2013

The Magic of Menton

This is the same beach we saw yesterday, when it was full of holiday makers. This photo was taken at 7h.45 nearly two hours earlier - and as you'll see there is hardly a soul on the beach. The light is much better for a photo too, of course.


C'est la même plage que nous avons vue hier, quand elle était pleine de vacanciers. Ce photo a été prise à 7h.45, deux heures plus tôt - et comme vous le voyez, il y a peu d' âme sur la plage. Cependant, la lumière est bien meilleure pour une photo, bien sûr.


  1. Everything about this photo is sheer perfection.

  2. Sharon beat me to the same thought. Perfection.

  3. Yes, it sure is magic.

  4. Absolutely beautiful, Jilly.

  5. That was an early start - but all worth it of course. Now is the time when I'd go and have a swim if I lived there. Later I'd be up there in the hills :)
