27 August 2013

Fete Patronale - Blessing of the Animals - Dogs and a Sheep

Owners and their dogs are resting against the wall whilst waiting for the curé to give the blessing.  Meanwhile, the sheep gets a final grooming so she'll look her best.


Les propriétaires et leurs chiens se reposent contre le mur en attendant le curé qui donnera la bénédiction. Pendant ce temps, le mouton reçoit un dernier toilettage, ainsi il sera au mieux de son apparence.


  1. Had to laugh, Jilly. I thought that your comment referred to the women in the top photo before I saw the bottom snapshot.

  2. Funny, Kate! Another slice of life photographed so well. Thanks, Jilly!

  3. I think Boz would love to meet a sheep. I know he's extremely interested in horses, but I've discouraged him. I don't think he'd know how to avoid their hooves.
