26 August 2013

Fête Patronale: Blessing of the Animals - the Horses

The annual Blessing of the Animals took place yesterday in Gorbio village. This is one of Gerard's beautiful horses and a lady who is obviously rather taken with him. There were dogs, horses, a cat and a sheep all waiting to be blessed by the curé. More tomorrow ...


La bénédiction annuelle des animaux a eu lieu hier dans le village de Gorbio. Voici l'un des beaux chevaux de Gérard et une dame qui semble beaucoup l'apprécier. Il y avait des chiens, des chevaux, un chat et un mouton tous dans l'attente d'être bénis par le curé. Demain, la suite ...


  1. Back on solid land, right, JILLY?

    A nice sharp image of the woman.

  2. Horses are special. I had a couple of horses when I was a girl, and I've never lost my love for them.
