07 October 2013

Dawn over Roquebrune-Cap-Martin

The previous three dawn photos were taken facing Italy and were taken against the sun - contre-jour as the French say.   For this one, I turned around and faced Roquebrune-Cap-Martin with Monaco beyond.

Tomorrow: the Fete de la Branda.


Les trois photos précédentes de l'aube ont été prises à contre-jour, face à l'Italie. Pour celle-ci, je me suis retournée et j'ai fait face à Roquebrune-Cap-Martin avec Monaco au-delà.

Demain: la Fête de la Branda.


  1. SUPERB!
    I understand WHY so many people here up in the north with wind and rain now, are heading down to the airport at NICE.

    Greetings from Stavanger.

  2. My my my. This is a classic postcard photo.
