15 November 2013

The 300th Birthday of Gorbio's Elm Tree at PHOTOMENTON:

PhotoMenton starts tomorrow! My theme: the 300th birthday celebrations of Gorbio's elm tree. (1713 - 2013)

Last summer, the village of Gorbio joyously celebrated the 300th birthday of our beautiful elm tree. In memory of that fabulous weekend and to bring it to life once again and share it with you, it is the theme of my exhibition at PHOTOMENTON. 

PhotoMenton presents 120 talented photographers, exhibiting every sort of photography imaginable.  Come along and admire them and at the same time drop by my exhibit and say 'Hello!'

PHOTOMENTON. Palais de l'Europe, Menton. 
16 - 24 novembre.10h-12h / 14h-18h weekday (closed on Tuesday) 
10h-19h Saturdays and Sundays.


PhotoMenton commence demain! Mon thème: la Fête du Tricentenaire de l'Orme de Gorbio (1713 - 2013)
L'été dernier, le village de Gorbio a joyeusement célébré le 300e anniversaire de notre bel orme. En souvenir de ce fabuleux week-end et pour le faire revivre encore et le  partager avec vous,  je l'ai choisi comme thème de mon exposition de photos à PHOTOMENTON.

PHOTOMENTON présente 120 photographes de talent, montrant toutes sortes de photographies imaginables. Venez les admirer et profitez de l'occasion pour me faire un petit coucou quand vous arriverez à mon panneau.

PHOTOMENTON. Palais de l'Europe, Menton. 16 - 24 novembre.
10h-12h / 14h-18h en semaine (fermé le mardi)
10h-19h les samedi et dimanche.



  1. Congratulations on your exhibition in PhotoMenton.

  2. Hope it goes well….wish I could come!

  3. Hah! I love his expression.

    The photo exhibition will be terrific, I imagine.

  4. Oh, that's wonderful. The pomp and the boredom.

  5. This is a superb photo, Jilly! Have fun at the exhibition.
