12 February 2014

Menton's Orange Trees

If the trees in Menton are laden with oranges, then you know it must be time for the 'Fete du Citron.' And indeed it is - it all kicks off on Saturday - this year's theme: '20,000 Leagues under the Sea.'


Quand les arbres de Menton sont chargés d'oranges, alors vous savez que le temps de la Fête du Citron est venu. Et en effet, c'est le cas - tout débute samedi prochain - le thème de cette année : '20 000 lieues sous les mers ».


  1. It's difficult to comprehend that you are celebrating 'Fete du Citron' in the the south while the temperature range in our village in northern France was 0 - 9 degrees Celsius today! Warm regards

  2. I can't believe it's that time of year again! Looking forward to this segment.

  3. I love Menton's orange trees.
