25 March 2014

A Village Baptism - Aperitif!

After the baptism, the family and friends will lunch at the Bar/Restaurant les Terrasses in the village, but first an aperitif, served by the lovely Sarah, in the square. Can there be a lovelier setting? How lucky children are to be born and brought up in this wonderful village.


Après le baptême, la famille et les amis iront déjeuner au Bar / Restaurant les Terrasses au  village, mais d'abord un apéritif est servi par la belle Sarah, sur  la place. Peut-il y avoir un cadre plus beau? Quelle chance ont les enfants chanceux de naitre et de grandir dans ce merveilleux village.


  1. From now on we ( here in Norway) should do it the same way as you do, or the Greek way.....

  2. That's a beautiful setting!

  3. Great !! A masterpiece.

  4. No, there can't, and how lucky we are to have stood in this marvelous place. What a serene venue for a family party.

  5. You said what I was thinking, Jilly.
