06 April 2014

The 'Sheep' Workshop

Yesterday, JLED, the organisation that provides so many activities for children and pre-adolescents in the village of Gorbio arranged a visit to local sheep farmer,  Rene, who kindly opened his gates to a lot of excited children.   Here they are posing at the end of the visit with a few of the lambs.

More on the visit tomorrow ...


Hier, le JLED, l'association qui propose  beaucoup  d'activités aux enfants et pré-adolescents dans le village de Gorbio, a organisé une visite chez René, l'agriculteur et éleveur de brebis local, lequel a gentiment ouvert ses portes à un grand nombre d'enfants enthousiasmés. Ici, ils posent à la fin de la visite avec quelques-uns des agneaux. 

Plus d'informations sur la visite de demain ... 


  1. It is a good thing to expose children to agriculture and livestock. I am sure they had a great time.

  2. Oh I wish I could have gone too.
    Every few years it is good to hold a lamb in springtime.

  3. I'm struck by the look of that stone wall.

  4. Oh, that is so gorgeous. You have to enlarge the view and examine the individual faces. It is surprising how little difference there is between the height of two of adults and the children.

  5. Another great group shot Jilly
