25 September 2014

Reflections on Dolceacqua

An American friend and I were having fun taking reflection photos recently in Dolceacqua.  Suddenly, the wind dropped and the water magically became clear. 

Dolceacqua is just over the Italian border in the valley of the Nervia.  Here you see the beautiful medieval humpback stone bridge,  famously painted by Claude Monet. Monet visited Dolceacqua, along with Renoir, in 1884.  Monet described the bridge as 'a jewel of lightness.' (click link)


Avec un ami nous nous sommes amusés récemment  à prendre des photos de reflets à Dolceacqua. Soudain, le vent est tombé et magiquement, l'eau  est devenue limpide.

Dolceacqua ne se trouve pas très loin de la frontière italienne, dans la vallée de la Nervia. Ici on voit  le beau pont à bosse médiéval en pierre rendu célèbre par le peintre Claude Monet. Monet a visité Dolceacqua avec Renoir en 1884. Il décrit le pont comme un « bijou de légèreté . " ( cliquez sur le lien )


  1. The place. The light. The stillness. The perspective. The photographer.

  2. anyone won't always be capable of sell with no first market ones book for the public. get people to love ones book AND dollars will certainly come to you.

  3. Another one to hook in my home Jilly !


  4. I remember this bridge very well but the reflections weren't nearly as perfect when we were there together. Here the light and the mirror effect are just perfect.
