19 December 2014

Christmas baguettes

Baguettes in the window of my local boulangerie.

This was taken with my new camera.  It's a Fuji XT1 and I think I've fallen in love...  I won't be giving up the Canon 5D, Mark III but a light weight camera for every day seemed a great idea!  So far so good...


Baguettes dans la vitrine de ma boulangerie locale.

Ceci a été pris avec mon nouvel appareil photo. C'est un Fuji XT1 et je pense que j'en suis tombée amoureuse...   Je ne délaisserai  pas le Canon 5D Mark III bien sur, mais pour la vie quotidienne, un appareil photo plus léger semblait une excellente idée! Jusqu'ici, tout va bien ...


  1. Christmas baguettes!! I've yet to be in France for Christmas - perhaps next year. xxx

  2. Sugar or snowballs on the bread.

    How do you like the controls on the Fuji? I have an Olympus EM-5. It is small and light, and takes good images except in very low light. However, the menu system is not nearly as clear as Canon's. The tiny controls are hard for my large and somewhat crooked hands. I end up dragging the 5D Mk III around with me most of the time.

    By the way, I just got a Canon 40 mm f2.8 pancake lens. First few shots with it today. I think it will be fun.

  3. I'm sure you'll enjoy the XT1 and will be happy with the photos. The 5D MkIII will probably be relegated to the studio only.
