15 January 2015

'Je suis Charlie; - Marching in Solidarity

More photos of the march in Menton. Here Paul displays his banner, to his left the Imam from Nice, behind the police - all walking with one aim - the right of freedom of speech and solidarity with those in Paris who died.


Encore des photos de la marche dans Menton. Ici Paul montre sa bannière, à sa gauche l'Imam de Nice  et derrière la police - tous défilant pour  une cause - le droit à la liberté d 'expression et la solidarité avec ceux qui sont morts à Paris. 


  1. Impressive march, hope it can stop the terror and unite people.

  2. lets also remember Maurice Sinet who was sacked from Charlie Hebdo for "standing up for freedom of speach" and stop this inept double standards and flag waving

  3. Appropriate to render these shots in black and white.

  4. Important documentary, and I like them in b/w.
