06 April 2015

La Brigue - the Old Mill

The Roya Valley begins in Tende and ends in Ventimiglia, just across the border in Italy and every village, as you climb higher and higher into the mountains is an unspoiled joy. Just off the main Roya Valley road and at a dead end is La Brigue, which is dissected by the River Lavenza, a tributory of the River Roya.

This is the Old Mill of La Brigue, a short distance from the village itself. How idyllic is this!


La Vallée de la Roya commence à Tende, se termine à Vintimille, traverse la frontière en Italie et chaque village, comme c'est le cas quand vous montez de plus en plus haut dans les montagnes, est une joie naturelle. En quittant la route principale de la Vallée de la Roya , sur une route sans issue de trouve La Brigue, qui est traversée par la rivière Lavenza, un affluent de la Roya.

Ceci est le Vieux Moulin de La Brigue, à une distance courte du village lui-même.  N'est ce pas idyllique!


  1. I can hear the water flowing over the rocks. Idyllic indeed.

  2. Great 'walk through' shot. Well framed and liking the different textures and colours you've captured. @extradiagetic

  3. Wow, what a beautiful scene! I am not a photographer, but I would give this an A++ for composition, Jilly, although some credit goes to the original composer as well.

  4. That's like walking into a fairy tale.

  5. What a magnificent landscape!
