15 May 2015

E.1027 - the Shell of a Man

'A house in not a machine to live in' wrote the pioneering modernist Eileen Gray in response to Le Corbusier's oft-quoted line about a house being a machine á habiter. "It is the shell of man—his extension, his release, his spiritual emanation."


'Une maison n'est pas une machine dans laquelle on vit' a écrit la pionnière moderniste Eileen Gray en réponse à la citation souvent évoquée du Corbusier d'une maison étant "une machine à habiter." C'est la coquille de l'homme - son extension, sa sortie, son émanation spirituelle."


  1. Very modern looking- curious given that we're decades past her time.

  2. John and I were just saying that "home is where you keep all your stuff."
