26 August 2015

Blessing of the Animals

The Blessing of the Animals is the first event in Gorbio's Fête de la Saint-Barthélemy.  Because of the rain, there were far less animals this year.   No horses, just a few dogs and three ducklings.  Here Père Guglielmi is blessing a Yorkie.  Pere Gugliemi is a wonderfully kind and gentle priest and asks for each animal's name before he blesses it.


La bénédiction des animaux est le premier événement de la Fête de la Saint-Barthélemy à Gorbio. En raison de la pluie, il y avait beaucoup moins d'animaux cette année. Pas de chevaux, quelques chiens et trois canetons. Voici le Père Gugliemi bénissant un yorkshire.  Le Père Guglielmi est un prêtre merveilleusement gentil et doux qui demande le nom de chaque animal avant de le bénir.


  1. It happens here in Anglican churches, that I know of. I imagine it's possible some Catholic churches do so as well.

  2. He has a gentle face. We have one of these that I shoot some years but it's inside the Episcopal cathedral. No horses but they do get some fierce birds.
