05 October 2015

Fête de la Branda

Despite the terrible rains and flooding of the night before, yesterday was a glorious day in Gorbio village for the annual Fete de la Branda.

Gorbio was spared the horrors of loss of life further along the coast. Unfortunately around 11h00 there was a massive landfall which totally blocked the main road to the village from Menton and which naturally made the attendance less than normal. (You can still access the village but it's a longer journey via the Col de Garde or the Route DFL

More tomorrow, including the visit by our friends from Dolceacqua, with whom Gorbio is twinned.


Malgré les terribles pluies et les inondations de la veille, c'était hier un jour magnifique au village de Gorbio avec l'annuelle Fête de la Branda.

Gorbio a été épargné par les horreurs de la perte de vies humaines comme plus loin le long de la côte. Malheureusement vers 11h00 il y a eu un énorme éboulement qui a bloqué totalement la route principale reliant le village à Menton ce qui a naturellement amené moins de visiteurs que d'habitude. ( On peut toujours accéder au village mais le voyage est plus long soit par le Col de Garde ou la Route DFL )

La suite  demain, y compris la visite de nos amis de Dolceacqua, avec qui Gorbio est jumelée.


  1. The floods in your area looked very scary on televison.

  2. From the pictures I've seen, very rough conditions in your part of the world.

  3. French regional news doesn't often reach here. I haven't heard what happened, although I know the Menton road goes out on a whim. I'll look it up.

    I'm so glad you took us to Dolceaqua. It's a perfect town to have for a twin or, as we call it here, sister city. STL is twinned with Lyon, which we have never visited, and Galway, where I can say I know my way around.

  4. thanks you your site, i visited gorbio and beausejour a few weeks ago for lunch...such a pleasant place to spend an afternoon.

    and the drive to ste agnes was just crazy!
