15 November 2015

Normal life?

It was no surprise there was a heavy army and police presence around the railway station in Nice yesterday following the horrors of Paris the night before.  And it was heartwarming to see this policeman greeting a friend with a kiss.

Giving a friend a kiss on each cheek is normal in France but I think we all wonder if life will ever be normal again.


Après les horreurs de Paris la nuit avant, la forte présence de l'armée et de la police autour de la gare de Nice hier n'était pas une surprise.  Et c'était réconfortant de voir ce policier saluer un ami avec un baiser.

Embrasser un ami sur chaque joue est normal en France, mais je pense que nous nous demandons si la vie ne sera jamais de nouveau normale.


  1. Our thoughts are with the people of Paris and France.

  2. There was a vigil here at noon in remembrance... I wish I'd had my camera on hand. The embassy here is seeing a lot of bouquets being placed at the gates.

  3. This is charming. And the police are on bicycles, not in armored cars. France will endure if this is any indication.

  4. Yes, thanks, Bob. France will endure. Life hasn't been normal here since 9/11. Then again, it's never been normal. Something earth-shattering happens somewhere every day. We change, we endure, we try.
