09 December 2015

Street Reality

Often, when I've taken a batch of photos in a day, maybe I'll find one or two I like, but I think of the rest as rejects. But I've learned it's good to go back later - much later - and you'll find photos that perhaps have a meaning, albeit sad, like this one. (Bari, Puglia June 2014.)


Souvent, alors que j'ai pris beaucoup de photos dans une journée, il m'arrive de n'en trouver qu'une ou deux qui me plaisent et je pense que les restes sont les rejets.  Pourtant, j'ai appris qu'il est intéressant  d'y revenir plus tard - beaucoup plus tard - car peut-être on trouve des photos qui ont un sens, quoique triste, comme celle-ci.


  1. The biker and the beggar, two different realities.

  2. Indeed... two different worlds.

  3. Are we seeing this more and more around the world? It sure seems so.

  4. Is he not showing, offering something? A street seller perhaps, taking a break?

  5. Oh! Now I see it. He's holding a glass cup. Duh!
    Need better glasses, I guess.
    A photo that speaks volumes...
    Brava, Mme. Jilly. And thank you so much.
