27 January 2016

Coal Tits

Hoping the Coal tits will nest on my terrace this year. They did a few years ago but since then they visit to eat the sunflower seeds, but presumably have more comfortable accommodation elsewhere.


Espérons  que les Mésanges Noires feront leur nid sur ma terrasse cette année. Elles l'ont fait il y a quelques années  mais depuis lors, elles viennent  manger les graines de tournesol et ont sans doute trouvé un lieu plus confortable ailleurs.


  1. These little birds are just adorable and your excellent picture shows all their beauty, thank you! You are so lucky to have them on your terrace...

  2. You have managed to capture the bird in flight to show the detail of its beautiful wings. Beautiful feeder as well.


  3. I think that's the first time I've heard of this kind of bird. Pretty!

  4. Perfect timing, Jilly. This photo is beautiful, and so are the birds, and the feeder, and the sky.

  5. Spectacular wing pattern. And, since I've visited your terrace, I can say that's pretty spectacular, too.

    What an odd name for a bird species. Where does it come from?

  6. Thanks so much everyone. Bob, I assume the name 'coal' is because the crest or cap is black. It's called Mesanges Noir in French. I remember, as a child, hearing the phrase 'coal black' in England, not in relation to this bird but in relation to the colour.

  7. This did not look real at first. The filigree of the birdfeeder and the softness of the opened wings make this a spectacular photo. You can turn it into wallpaper for a fine country home.
