30 January 2016

Dog on a table?

This Jack Russell looks as if he's standing on a table but in fact he is standing on a wall alongside this restaurant in Place du Cap, Menton.   Dogs are part of life in France and if you go to a restaurant, then of course, your dog can go too.  I approve!


Ce Jack Russell a l'air d'être debout sur une table mais en fait, il est debout sur un mur à côté de ce restaurant de la Place du Cap, Menton. Les chiens font partie de la vie en France et si vous allez dans un restaurant, évidemment votre chien peut aller aussi. J'approuve!


  1. He looks like he takes everything in stride.

  2. I agree, Jilly. And I have found French dogs to be very well-behaved in public, probably because they have been in those situations from puppy-hood.

  3. Our first trip outside the US was to Paris in 1984. I was shocked to see dogs in restaurants, and with waiters bringing stainless steel water bowls! That night at Marius et Janette on Avenue George V, with a quite batty elderly lady to our left with a poodle on her lap, and Omar Sharif at the table beyond that... The stuff of memories.
