17 May 2016

Crème brûlée

Crème brûlée at Gorbio's Restaurant Beausejour. Yummy!


Crème brûlée au restaurant Le Beauséjour à Gorbio. Délicieux!


  1. You know Jilly when I saw the flowers I immediately thought of the Beauséjour. To me it's their trademark and I love it! Please pass on my best regards to them, I have lovely memories of eating there. They're such a sweet and talented family!

  2. Quand j'ai vu les fleurs, j'ai immédiatement pensé au Beauséjour : pour moi c'est leur marque de fabrique, j'adore leur cuisine aux fleurs. La prochaine fois que tu iras, Jilly, passe-leur mes amitiés, j'ai de tellement bons souvenirs de mes déjeuners chez eux et c'est une famille formidable !

  3. I haven't had that in years. It looks delicious!

  4. What a delicious photo, Mme. Jilly! Thank you so much!
    You always have the most beautiful shots concerning that fabled restaurant. And they deserve all the attention!

    Going back to childhood memories, I can still see our cook, with a hot iron device caramelizing a huge Pyrex dish of Crema Quemada, our name for Creme Brulee. No culinary torch for her in those times, at least not in our home.

    It amazes me now to think how European was the culture in which I grew up, right there in the heart of South America, contrary to popular beliefs of exotic goings on.
    It was European in every aspect, most notoriusly in the culinary one. And yes...no spicy food for us..........

  5. I knew it was Beausejour before I scrolled down to the text. Their art pleases the eye as much as the palate.
