27 June 2016

Amour in Europe

Eight years ago I spent a while in the beautiful city of Turin.  This is one of the photographs I took at the time and it seems appropriate following the  catastrophic and oh-so-sad result of the UK referendum.  My French friends don't understand.  I don't understand.  They simply say how sorry they are for my country of origin.

We all need a little love at the moment.  Amore, amour, love ....


Il y a huit ans, j'ai passé un peu de temps dans la belle ville de Turin. Voici l'une des photos que j'ai prise à l'époque et elle me semble apaisante après le résultat catastrophique et tellement triste du référendum au Royaume-Uni. Mes amis français ne comprennent pas. Je ne comprends pas. Ils disent simplement qu' ils sont désolés pour mon pays d'origine. Et pour l'Europe. Moi aussi!
Nous avons tous besoin d'un peu d'amour pour le moment. Amore , amour , love ....


  1. Dear Mme. Jilly,
    We understand how much those latest developments in your country of origin must have shaken you.
    I'm sure all of us,friends and admirers are happy to have you on that other side of the English Channel. The fact that you chose that side speaks volumes about where your heart is.

  2. Karen USA27 June, 2016

    Dear Jilly, I thought about you when I heard the news - I stayed up until the wee hours here to get the results. I think things will be worked out eventually. I was an immigrant in Menton when we lived there, and I always felt welcome and "at home". I was pleasantly surprised at the diversity in such a small town. Our realtor was born in Spain, raised in England, married to an Italian, and both of her children were born in France. I think maybe the people do a better job of uniting Europe than the governments have done. I hope everybody can just: Stay Calm and Carry On. It worked before.

  3. A wonderful shot. I'm just baffled by how nuts that referendum result could be.
