17 July 2016

Ready for a wedding!

It's late afternoon and Gorbio's village square is ready for a wedding! Yesterday Nathalie and Sébastien were married and soon they and 180 guests will be dining under the stars.

(I was not the official photographer but it was a pleasure to take a few photos of the evening which I'll show you over the coming days).


C'est la fin de l'après-midi et la place du village de Gorbio décorée par le restaurant Le Beauséjour, est prête pour un mariage! Hier, Nathalie et Sébastien se sont mariés et bientôt eux et leurs 180 invités vont  dîner sous les étoiles.

(Je ne suis pas le photographe officiel  mais ce fut un plaisir de prendre quelques photos de la soirée que je vais vous montrer dans les prochains jours).


  1. Gorgeous photo. Looking forward to following you. We also have a photo blog. We invite you to check out Buffalo Daily Photo, from Buffalo, New York. Bonne chance!

  2. Happy events are wonderful to photograph. This photos fun to see!

  3. There could not be a more beautiful venue. Looking forward to seeing your pictures.

  4. The place looks quite inviting all set up like this!
