05 August 2016

Security (1)

It's no surprise that a scene like this in the Old Town of Nice is now the 'new norm.' Seeing so many police and army in our towns and on our beaches most certainly gives a sense of security. But goodness, those poor soldiers must be so hot in this summer heat.
Il n'est pas surprenant qu'une scène comme ça dans le Vieux Nice soit maintenant la «nouvelle norme ».  Voir tant de  police et d'armée dans nos villes et sur nos plages donne certainement un sentiment de sécurité. Mais Dieu que ces pauvres soldats doivent avoir chaud dans cette chaleur d'été.


  1. Given recent circumstances, it's not surprising at all to see them out and about.

  2. I am so sad that this is necessary in your region.

  3. The background is different but the squadron reminds me of what we saw in Lhasa. Very uncomfortable.
