05 December 2016

It's 'GOODBYE" but also 'HELLO" to my NEW BLOG!

 Introducing my new blog...

'Jilly Bennett Photography - Blog'

Dear friends,

It's time for me move on - or rather sideways! This blog has been running every day for nearly 10 years now and lately I've been posting images of Naples and Nice and Aix-en-Provence. That’s not good blogging when the blog has the word ‘Menton’ in the title!

Thank you, thank you for your loyalty to Menton Daily Photo and to me. Your loyalty, your comments and encouragement helped me so much in my photography journey.

And so I've started a completely new blog where I can post what I really want and not be restricted to a specific area. The new blog will be published probably once or twice a week - but with more photos and more words.

And for those of you who follow this Menton blog, don’t worry,  Menton, the surrounding medieval hill villages (including my village, Gorbio) and Monte Carlo won’t be forgotten. I live here after all. And we'll also be talking about dogs (of course) and photography too. And always always with photos.

Of course, if you want to look back at postings on this blog, well, they are not going anywhere. You’ll be able to find all the posts and photographs from the last ten years at any time – I just won’t be posting here anymore.

So onwards…. if you are interested in life as it’s really lived in the south of France and Italy, dogs (of course!) and my journey in photography, come with me …

Click on the link Jilly Bennett Photography and do subscribe for updates. Don't forget to click on the confirmation button you receive after subscribing and then you'll find me in your mailbox on a regular basis.

I will, of course, still be posting every day on Facebook and Instagram.


Chers amis,

Il est temps pour moi d'avancer - ou plutôt de me réorienter! Ce blog fonctionne tous les jours depuis presque 10 ans maintenant et dernièrement j'ai posté des photos de Naples, de Nice et d'Aix-en-Provence.  Le nom de ce blog ne serait  plus adapté si le mot 'Menton' figurait encore dans son titre! 

Je tiens à vous remercier de votre fidélité à Menton Daily Photo et à moi-même. Votre suivi, vos commentaires et vos encouragements m'ont beaucoup aidée dans mon parcours photographique.

J'ai donc commencé un blog complètement nouveau où je peux poster ce que je veux vraiment et ne pas être limitée à un domaine spécifique. Le nouveau blog sera publié probablement une ou deux fois par semaine - mais avec plus de photos et plus de mots.

Et pour ceux d'entre vous qui suivent le blog de Menton, pas d'inquiétude, Menton, les villages médiévaux sur les collines environnantes (y compris mon village, Gorbio) et Monte-Carlo ne seront pas oubliés. Je vis ici, après tout. Nous parlerons aussi des chiens (bien sur!) et de la photographie. Et toujours avec des photos.

Evidemment, si vous voulez revoir les publications de ce blog, elles ne vont pas disparaître. Vous serez en mesure de trouver tous les messages et les photographies des dix dernières années à tout moment - simplement je n'y rajouterai rien de plus.

Alors ... Si vous êtes intéressés par la vie telle qu'elle se passe vraiment dans le sud de la France et en Italie, par les chiens (bien sûr!) et par mon voyage en photographie, venez avec moi ...

Cliquez sur le lien Jilly Bennett Photography et abonnez-vous pour les mises à jour. N'oubliez pas de cliquer sur l'onglet de confirmation, que vous aller recevoir, après vous serez abonné et vous me trouverez dans votre boîte aux lettres sur une base régulière.

Bien sur, je publierai encore tous les jours sur Facebook et Instagram.

04 December 2016

Hot wine in Nice

You know it's Christmas in Nice when the hot wine stall is open for business.

02 December 2016

Images of the past ...

There is a group of photographers and models (friends and family) in Menton that aims to re-create the Menton of the past - the 1920s.  The idea is the images should be in sepia to emphasise that feeling of time gone by.

This is Francoise on the steps of the Basilica - if she doesn't hurry she'll miss that train ...

30 November 2016

Sun spots

This old lady is waiting for a bus and with a pigeon for company.  Take a look at her face - I love that the open-weave of her hat has created a pretty design on her face.

29 November 2016


Do you ever skip down some steps just for the fun of it?

26 November 2016

PhotoMenton - last two days ...

Last weekend of the Festival PhotoMenton.  Do come along if you can.  PhotoMenton -110 photographers.   Open 10h to 19h Saturday and Sunday. Palais de l'Europe, Menton. 

Here is 'My Love Letter to Naples.'  Stand 80. Come and say 'Hello'.

25 November 2016

Walking the dog ...

How to walk the dog with your hands behind your back!

24 November 2016

PhotoMenton - a young visitor

A young visitor at PhotoMenton yesterday.

21 November 2016

How it's done!

Perhaps the youngest ever participant in PhotoMenton's Photo Marathon yesterday.   Elizabeth, an adorable two-year old from Nice,  sporting the required safety waistcoast, shows us all how its done.

The 40 teams who took part spent the day searching Menton for the best possible images to fit the three Themes: Vintage, Connected and Pollution.

The Photo Marathon is always the best fun. 

18 November 2016

'Mon Billet Doux à Naples"

'Mon Billet Doux à Naples' - that's the title of my exhibition at PhotoMenton this year - 'My love letter to Naples.'

I fell in love with Naples and its wonderfully joyous people when I was lucky enough to participate in Carla Coulson's brilliant photography workshop in September.

This photo was taken in the cathedral on the day of the Feast of San Gennaro - the day the whole of Naples prays that the saint's blood will liquify.  This signifies good luck for Naples for the coming year. A very important and emotional day for Neopolitans. 

If you are in the Menton area, do come along to PhotoMenton during the next 9 days at the Palais de l'Europe.  You'll find me at Stand number 80. And you'll find 109 talented photographers exhibiting so many different and imaginative styles of photography. A feast for the eye!

Hope to see you there!

17 November 2016

15 November 2016

One little boy ...

In a world of his own ...

14 November 2016

Market in the rain

Naples - Market shopping in the rain.

11 November 2016

08 November 2016

A Bicycle made for two ...

A bicycle for two on the island of Procida, off Naples.

07 November 2016



Naples:  guys watching television.  No prizes to guess what they are looking at!

05 November 2016

Lady in red

Naples again ... and 'Lady in Red.'

04 November 2016


Place aux Herbes, Menton.

03 November 2016


The Monument for those who died for France in Roquebrune village.

30 October 2016

Boys' games

Boys' games in a backstreet of Naples.

29 October 2016


It's Saturday morning, let's have a handsome Neapolitan to welcome in the weekend!

28 October 2016

Football crazy

 Naples: this guy has plastered his garage with posters of footballers - got a feeling he's crazy about the game!

26 October 2016

Reflections in a Bentley

Casino Square reflected in the wing of a Bentley - which is about right for Monte Carlo! (photo: 2013)

23 October 2016


The Spanish quarter, Naples.

22 October 2016

La Topia

Love this old Renault outside La Topia restaurant in Menton.

21 October 2016

Double chat

Monte Carlo Pavilions.

19 October 2016


'Remember the most valuable antiques are dear old friends.' 

~  H. Jackson Brown, Jnr

18 October 2016

Naples - a character from 'The Godfather'

Naples - something about this guy reminds me of Robert Duvall in the The Godfather!

17 October 2016


Shoemender's shop ... in Naples.

16 October 2016


Here's my lunch the other day - a truly delicious salmon and prawn lasagne created by chef, Francois (super photographer as well) at my favourite Monaco restaurant - le Baobab on Larvotto Beach. Great food, super friendly service - it's my home from home when I eat in Monaco - and not crazy expensive either.


Voici mon déjeuner l'autre jour - une  lasagne de saumon et crevettes vraiment délicieuse,  créée par le chef, François (super photographe également) dans mon restaurant préféré à Monaco - le Baobab sur la plage du Larvotto. La cuisine y est excellente, le service très sympa - c'est chez moi à la maison quand je déjeune à Monaco - et ce n'est pas follement cher non plus.


15 October 2016


Do you like to eat tripe?

14 October 2016

Scooters in Naples

Scooters have many uses ...

13 October 2016


Pensive ... in Naples.

12 October 2016

Life is too strange

'Life is too strange' ... that's lovely Beth (fellow student and talented photographer at Carla Coulson's recent Naples workshop) strutting her stuff, whilst the rest of us practiced panning.

11 October 2016

Seating area

Somewhere to sit in Naples ...

10 October 2016

09 October 2016


Just a scene in Naples - people shop for vegetables and fruit, a man sits overlooking the road, reading his newspaper.  Motorbikes whizz buy at speed.  Life as it is lived in Naples.

08 October 2016

Car Care

Naples:  Italians love their cars ...

07 October 2016

Naples in the rain

Naples: someone needs an umbrella!

05 October 2016

Superwoman Emma

Superwoman Emma in Gorbio at the Fete de la Branda on Sunday.  The church facade is being renovated hence the scaffolding.

04 October 2016

Conversation amongst the tags

Motorbikes become a chair and a table in Naples.

03 October 2016


Love amongst the tags in Naples.

01 October 2016

Just do it!

Just do it! - in Naples.

30 September 2016

She's back!

She's back! ... everyday life in the glorious chaos of Naples.

29 September 2016

28 September 2016

27 September 2016


Naples - Italian girl in work mode, carrying heavy buckets.  Italian man in work mode, carrying a water bottle!

26 September 2016

25 September 2016