Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dogs. Show all posts

14 November 2010

Pipi Chien

No beautiful Menton today but the back of the railway lines and a sign telling the dogs where they can pee. And seemingly they can read but you'll be glad to know I cropped out the piles of dried up dog poop!

19 October 2010

The Pose

Today we are back on the port for the Newfoundland demonstration that took place a week or so ago. This lovely dog was sitting on the rocks with his owner and a young lady asked if she could have a photograph taken with him. Her husband snapped away...and so did I!

13 October 2010

Black Dog

We're back in Gorbio village - a dog, the church's new facade and, unfortunately, dog poop. Happily more and more people are picking up after their dogs - plastic bags are provided and I believe there is a law if you don't. Someone missed this bit though...

The dog is Dunya - a 7 year old Labrador/German Short-haired Pointer mix. She was re-homed from a Belgian refuge 6 years ago and now lives in Brussels and in Menton. Black dogs are difficult to photograph but I was pleased with the close-up you can find on Riviera Dogs - the light was just right.

08 October 2010


One more day with these amazing Newfoundlands - life-savers of the sea.

Mind you, whilst the dogs can jump into the sea, rescue people, pull boats, do all sorts of wonders, in Menton they all needed help getting out of the sea and onto the rocks. Owners need to be strong - these are very heavy dogs, especially with their coats full of water.

For anyone interested, more photos of Newfies will be on Riviera Dogs for a good few days yet.

07 October 2010

The Sea Rescue Dogs

Last weekend in Menton we had three days of 'Métiers de la Mer' - which introduced young people to careers relating to the sea.

The display by a training club for dogs and owners who save lives at sea - 'Terre-Neuve 06' - had us all entranced and at times in fits of laughter. Terre-Neuve is French for Newfoundland (the black ones). The black and white variety of Newfoundland is called a Landseer. They came from all over this part of France including one from Menton.

In the first photo the dog demonstrates how he swims with a person in distress clinging to his life-jacket. In the smaller photo, the dog pulls in a boat! And in the last photo, one jumps off the jetty. More photos on Riviera Dogs.

Tomorrow we'll see how these big dogs got out of the water - not easily...

11 August 2010

Boutchette and the Village Children

One of the many good things about living in a medieval village is that the children can play in total safety.

Here they are in the village square, playing with Boutchette, the Bassett Hound that belongs to Le Beau Sejour. Click on the link to see Boutchette a year ago when she was a puppy - adorable - she still is.

01 July 2010

Reflections - the Dead Bird

This dog wants to hold on to the wing of a dead sea bird that he's found on the beach. His owner wants it off him. Eventually the owner won.

Today is Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community. To see how others around the world have interpreted the theme of 'reflections' do click on the link. You won't be disappointed. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

13 April 2010

Wisteria at Le Clos du Peyronnet - and Prickle

Today, we are inside the wisteria-clad pergola at Le Clos du Peyronnet and so is Prickle, William Waterfield's little Jack Russell terrier. Prickle is on hand to welcome every visitor to this beautiful garden but at this moment, she's off for a nap...

19 March 2010

Walking the Dog...

'All great thoughts are conceived while walking.'

~ Friedrich Nietzsche

27 October 2009

Lunch for Three

Dogs are allowed in most restaurants in France - I love that. This couple are eating a plate of Fruits de Mer on the terrace of the Restaurant le Lido in the Place aux Herbes in Menton. Their Golden Retriever sits waiting - hoping for a morsel...I think he's got his eye on that lobster.

24 October 2009

Fête de la Branda -Dogs à la Mode

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

The Fête de la Branda in Gorbio draws an enormous number of visitors, many of whom bring their dogs with them.

Chihuahuas and pretty ladies who wear lots of jewelry seem to go together. Some people love them, some don't - they do seem to have become rather à la mode with so many actresses walking around with them in their handbags...

These two live in Ventimiglia, just across the Italian border. The long-haired one is called Shogun and the smooth-haired white one is called Tokyo and as you can see in the last photo, little Tokyo isn't just a lap dog - he has no fear of a dog bigger than himself.

In the cage behind them, are chickens and guinea pigs for sale.

15 October 2009

Ventimiglia Market - Emilia, the Carpet Dog

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

We're back at the Friday market in Ventimiglia today. So many of the stallholders have dogs. This one, a French bulldog called Emilia looks most indignant at having her photograph taken and her owner looks somewhat bemused.

They live in San Remo, just along the Ligurian coast from Ventimiglia.

01 June 2009

Theme Day: Feet

“My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet”

- Edith Wharton (American Novelist and short-story writer, 1862-1937)

To see how others in the City Daily Photo community have interpreted the theme of 'Feet' do click here to view thumbnails for all participants. You will find many great images to delight you.

15 May 2009

Richard's Menton - Life on the Côte d'Azur

Taken on Menton's rue Piétonne (pedestrian street) by Richard.

One of the many joys of life in Menton is sitting outside a bar watching the world go by...

04 November 2008

Beau's Vote!

Meet my dog, Beau - happy to loan one of his long ears to support Obama on this, America's election day.

Beau lived in a refuge in the Var for four years - he was called Bimbo then but I changed it to Beau the day we drove home together. He is a Bruno de Jura - a Swiss hunting dog - and the origin of the Bloodhound (you can see the resemblance I think). Three weeks after coming home Beau had both ear drums removed to try and cut down on the massive infections he had. He was four and a half hours on the table. He still gets abscesses from time to time but now he's a pretty healthy dog and this is his chair - which used to be 'my' chair. Huh! He's happy and so am I to have him here. He's a wonderful, funny dog with a howl you'd not believe. He's lived with me in Gorbio for 18 months and is probably about 10 years old although really no one knows his age or history. Taking him from the refuge was the best thing I ever did. Always rescue a dog from a refuge - there are so many and they reward you a trillion-fold. I adore this funny ol' boy.

Happy Election Day, America! Beau and I will be sitting up late and watching the results. If the polls are right, we want to be part of history in the making and welcome President Barack Obama, who I know is going to so good for America and the world. It's time for CHANGE!

See how you can vote with candies on Monte Carlo Daily Photo.

02 November 2008

Autumn - the Dog who loves Water

Alpha is cooling down in the area next to the wash-house in Gorbio. He's a Berger Blanc Suisse (White Swiss Shepherd Dog).

Note the 'tap' which is a cut off plastic Pellegrino bottle.

You can see the main washhouse below which sits under a roof supported on pillars. A windy day and leaves have blown in, but presumably the ladies who use this will clean it out before doing their washing.

To learn about this breed and to see more photos of Alpha - is he the dog with the longest tongue? - click on Riviera Dogs.

06 September 2008

Summer's End - the Scooter Dog

Meet Willy, the Berger Pyrénées (Pyrenean Shepherd Dog) who rides around Menton on a scooter with his owner, Cornelia - a charming German lady who gives French conversation classes in Menton. In this photograph, they were in Gorbio for the Blessing of the Animals.

This small sheepdog of the mountains of the Pyrénées is considered the oldest of the French herding dogs. They were used in concert with the large white sheep guardian dogs, the Great Pyrénées (Pyrenean Mountain Dog) of the region. The little dog herded the sheep. The big dog watched over them. The natural abilities of this shaggy shepherd are legend - flocks being entrusted to the two different dogs without a human handler. They were officially recognized by the French Kennel Club in 1921.

The breed is also called a Labrit in France. You see many in the south of France.

12 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Pink Beach Towel

Here's a longer shot of yesterday's photograph. We are on one of Menton's dog beaches - a pebble beach. Not all of Menton's beaches have pebbles. Les Sablettes, Menton's biggest beach, which is at the foot of the Old Town, has sand - and like this one, it's also a public beach.

The Golden Retriever and the Labrador playing in the sea, can be seen - in other shots and in close-up - by clicking on each link.

11 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Beach Companion

A contented dog, sandy face and feet, cuddled up next to his owner on one of Menton's dog beaches. Tomorrow - we'll see the rest of the Lady on the Pink Towel - and a longer shot of this dog beach.

28 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Dog Beach

There are two beaches that allow dogs in Menton - so both are great places for me to take photographs for Riviera Dogs. Dogs are very much part of Summertime in Menton though, so here's a happy dog today.

He's a four year old Labrador on holiday with his family from Milan. His name is Giorgio and he'd spent the day playing, swimming, having the greatest fun with a dog he'd met on the beach - a Golden/Pyrenean Mountain Dog mix called Astuss. You see them swimming together on the left. You'll find another photograph of Astuss on Riviera Dogs today. Click on the link - probably a better, sharper photo than Giorgio's but I wanted you to see Giorgio jumping for a stone.

The energy, such joy in life - living in the moment. Dogs teach us so much.

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