Showing posts with label Doorways and Windows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doorways and Windows. Show all posts

09 December 2012

Mortola Superiore - the Beaded Curtain

What is it about bead curtains that makes them so fascinating? At least they are to me ... and you?


Qu'y a t-il dans les rideaux de perles qui les rend si fascinants? Du moins ils le sont pour  moi ... et pour vous?

28 May 2012

Window Dressing

Reflections in Place du Cap.


Reflets sur la Place du Cap.

28 April 2012

The Curved Door

This old door is just inside the hallway of an very old house in the medieval village of Gorbio. It's a house that has at some time been converted into apartments, hence the mailboxes.  I've often wondered why old doors are curved like this along the top. Does anyone know?


Cette vieille porte est juste à l'intérieur du porche d'une très vieille maison dans le village médiéval de Gorbio. C'est une maison qui,  à un moment donné, a été partagée en appartements, d'où les boîtes aux lettres.  Je me suis souvent demandée pourquoi les vieilles portes  comme celle-ci sont arrondies en hauteur. Est- ce que quelqu'un le sait?

01 November 2009

Theme day - 'Doorways' - Rubble in Rue Longue

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

It's Theme Day again with the theme being 'doorways.' We are in Rue Longue in Menton. This building is being renovated and so the rubble is put into bags to await collection. No room in this narrow medieval street for a skip.

To see how at least 100 City Daily Photo bloggers from around the world have interpreted today's Theme, do click on the link to be delighted and intrigued. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

26 March 2009

Paint effect

A door in the Old Town. I've worked in the past, sponge or rag in hand, trying to create the look of this old wall at home. Here you get the real thing created by time and weather.

Update today on Mistral and Mia - Postcards from 'Pension Milou.'

03 April 2008

Rue Longue - 10

Wires and pipes everywhere on Rue Longue. Below, part of the street still has no surface (this is the area immediately below the steps that go up to the Basilica, so it's unavoidable for the tourists. Let's hope it will be finished soon. Tomorrow, you'll see the end of this street - the only part that is finished.

I don't normally show you photographs of friends or of my own personal life, but I had a very handsome young man visiting with friends over the weekend. I asked if he minded my publishing his photograph and he didn't. I suppose if you are good looking, you don't mind showing it off - click on the link to view.

04 January 2008

Roquebrune village - 8

A couple more doors today - if I dare call them that. These are in the rue du Château.

Posting old doors is a good excuse to mention Marie from Montpellier's page of beautiful doors and arches.

03 January 2008

Roquebrune village - 7

As you can imagine, Roquebrune village has many old doorways. Here's just one in rue Grimaldi. You'll be seeing more old doorways - and windows - because I love them - and I know many of you do too.

30 October 2007

Bare wood and Ivy

Another pretty corner in the Old Town.

26 October 2007

Show-off shutters

A pretty window tucked away in a small street near to the market.

25 October 2007

Blue door

An unused doorway in the Old Town and a good place to show off a few plants.

08 October 2007

Villa Sans Nom

This intrigued me. The House With No Name! An old boy walked out of the front door just after I took this photo but he couldn't enlighten me. Just said the house is very old. It's located in a small street just across from the Museum of Regional Pre-history which I'll show you another time.

Got me thinking about house names and why we choose them? My house is called Lou Milou. Lou is Provençal for 'the' or 'le.' And Milou - well Milou was the dog of my life, an American cocker spaniel, who is now running around in doggy heaven, chasing his ball. What's your house - or apartment building? - called - and why?

28 June 2007

'Don't forget your hat, dear!'

You can imagine it, can't you? 'I've put your hat on the gate, darling!' Does this hat belong to an old man, whose wife worries about his bald head burning in the Menton heat? Who do you think owns this hat? I don't know the answer - just snapped it walking up through the Old Town to the cemetery. Below you see more of the house.

22 May 2007

Flaky paint

This doorway was barely seen in an earlier posting - Service du Patrimoine. The shutters could do with a lick of paint and the door could be polished but really, it's nice as it is, don't you think?

21 May 2007

Window decor

Presumably the owner of this apartment never closes the shutters. Washing is hung out to dry on the lines near the window-sill. You'll notice the pegs. This apartment is just above l'Occitan, a restaurant near to the market in the Old Town. On reflection, it probably belongs to the restaurant owners, hence the decoration to jolly up the look of the restaurant facade below.

16 May 2007

Green Gate

A entrance in the Vieille Ville. with the usual collection of exterior plumbing artwork.

11 May 2007

Service du Patrimoine

The Service du Patrimoine organises walking tours around Menton's famous gardens and also gives regular tours of the beautiful Old Town. They also organise exhibitions relating to the history of Menton. This is their headquarters and is where visitors meet prior to a tour. The guides are always people qualified by the Minister of Culture.

03 May 2007


In this tiny corner of the Old Town, you'll see we need a plumber, an electrician, a plasterer and a painter.

26 April 2007

A gateway in Gorbio

It doesn't look as if this gate gets much use. I passed it yesterday on my way to a friend's house in the village - it looks pretty much overgrown on each side.

21 April 2007

Green door

This little house is in a narrow street of the Old Town - fairly high up where it gets light and sun.

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