Showing posts with label Gardens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gardens. Show all posts

17 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Prince

Watering the hanging pots the other day, who should pop out and jump on the plastic support of another pot, but a frog. He lives in the right hand pot you see in the smaller photo.

Do you think if I kiss him he'll turn into my Prince?

16 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Boat Trip - 3

We're almost there. In fact the trip from Menton to Latte, which is where we will drop anchor, is only about 10 minutes from Menton. Here we are passing La Mortola and the Hanbury Gardens, one of the most beautiful gardens in an area famous for its gardens. We'll visit it one day, I promise. Click on the smaller photo for a better view of this beautiful house.

The Via Aurelia, an old Roman road, runs through the gardens which were created in 1867 by the Englishman, Sir Thomas Hanbury and has a collection of 6,000 plants. It's now managed by the University of Genoa.

Trivia: about a television series called Rosemary & Thyme, which stars Felicity Kendal and Pam Ferris. Caroline Hanbury, who still lives in Villa Hanbury, allowed the house and gardens to be used for this detective series about two lady gardeners. Her terrace was dug up and a restaurant created for the filming - afterwards, it was restored as before. Along with other friends, I spent one evening as an 'extra' in the 'restaurant.' If you saw that instalment of the series, and knew what I looked like, you'd see me calling for the waitress! I seem to remember getting paid 100 francs for it too. (well, I still have my Equity card!)

The perched village you see high up to the left of the photograph is Grimaldi Superiore.

Tomorrow we drop anchor just around the bay.

30 May 2008

The Rose's Plea

This beautiful rose is on a bend a couple of kilometres below the village of Gorbio, en route from Menton. The sign says:

'Friends of Flowers. Don't pull on my branches - you will injure me. Thankyou. signed...the Rose.'

23 May 2008

Echium - Pride of Madeira

June is garden month in Menton. Menton has many famous gardens and I hope to feature some of them in the future. However, here we are in May and probably because we've had so much rain, many gardens are looking good.

Here is a plant that does well in this climate and on the poor, free draining soil we have here. It's called Echium candicans (sometimes called Echium fastuosum) - 'Pride of Madeira.' It loves our long dry summers and needs no watering. The bees and butterflies just love it. Apparently it's a member of the borage family (remember borage in Pimm's? - a long delicious drink decorated with young leaves of borage - mint was an alternative) My mother always used to serve Pimm's No 1 Cup before lunch on Sundays - in the summer.

The green plant you see in the foreground with the sprays of tiny flowers about to bloom is a young avocado. If you click on the smaller photo to the left you can see that an echium can fill quite a space. I love how it tumbles over the walls, don't you?

Note: care is needed when cutting back an echium - or even brushing past its hairy leaves. It can set up a skin irritation. I always forget...

(I've had no telephone or internet connection for two days - France Telecom tell me it'll not be up for a few days. Some problem between my house and the road. Grrrrrrr. Am posting from a cyber cafe - very sorry but can't comment for the moment but thank you so much for your comments. Will catch up as soon as poss).

27 April 2008

An Iris for Isabella

A Gorbio garden

Today is Isabella's 400th post and for the moment, her last. Isabella's Naples Daily Photo was one of the first CDP blogs that caught my eye, and since then, I've never missed one of her posts. How I'll miss those beaches, the wonderful birds and of course, Big Al, the aligator. But most of all, I'll miss Isabella's wit, generosity of spirit and sense of fun.

Isabella quoted Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in yesterday's post and so for you, Isabella, here is Longfellow's favourite flower - the iris.

Still - in a way - nobody sees a flower - really - it is so small - we haven't the time -
and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time. -
Georgia O'Keeffe.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy...and come back someday, Isabella.

02 March 2008

Orchidée - 2

Following on from the posting a couple of days ago, here we are inside the Palais de l'Europe which is holding the Orchid Exhibition. You can see the outside of this beautiful building on the left.

The Palais de l'Europe was built in the neo-classic style
in 1909 - the architect being inspired by the great buildings of the 1850s - 1880s. It was originally the Kursaal Casino, the fourth casino to be built in the town. In those days opera, ballet and theatre companies performed for the delight of the visitors.

The building was acquired by the town at the end of the 1950s, and after 1961 was known as the Palais de l'Europe. Here you'll find the Tourist Office, the municipal library, a theatre, a gallery and exhibition halls.

29 February 2008


Across the road from the Fête du Citron is the Palais de l'Europe, which at the moment is hosting an exhibition of orchids. The exhibtion is free and is held each year at the same time as the Lemon Festival. There are hundreds and hundreds of different orchid displays - quite extraordinary and so beautiful. Here's just one variety.

15 September 2007

17th Journées Méditerranéennes du Jardin - 3

Fun with a watering can in one of the fountains that were for sale at the recent plant fair in Menton.

14 September 2007

17th Journées Méditerranéennes du Jardin - 2

Seller and buyer amidst a sea of colour at the recent plant fair in Menton.

09 September 2007

17th Journées Méditerranéennes du Jardin

Each year, two days are dedicated in September to a wonderful garden fair on the Esplanade Francis Palmero, below the Old Town. This photo shows one tiny part of it and I'll show more detailed joys of the plants and people in future postings. The place was packed, impossible to find a parking place -it's a hot day and the visitors are out in force.

Throughout the two days of the fair, there are guided visits to all the famous gardens of Menton. There are facilities for children to make flower hats, learn pottery or how to grow a vegetable. There's are displays of wondrous old cars by the Automobile Club of Menton (I'll show some of these too at a later date) but most of all there are plants and trees to buy - orchids, roses, palms, cycads, tillisandia, bulbs, trees, shrubs. There's a slight breeze and with it comes the wonderful aroma of rosemary, thyme and tuberose. Can you smell it?

22 April 2007

Do we care a fig for Earth Day?

Thank you to Isabella and her lovely bunny rabbit at Naples DP for the reminder that it's Earth Day today. It's also the day the French choose their new President. Even though I'm a tax-paying French resident I'm not allowed to vote in National elections - only the local election for Mayor and of course for the European parliament. I hope the French choose well today. If you haven't visited Eric's Paris DP blog, please do so and click on both 'a Funny Mix' and 'Winner.' I fell off my chair laughing at Winner. It's brilliant.

So, an olive or a fig to honour Earth Day? Both conjure up the Mediterranean for me but I chose this fig simply because it is so old, probably over 100 years. It's a great tree that's withstood polution and everything thrown at it and it gives me beautiful figs in August/September. I took the photograph this morning - it's not in full leaf yet and still has only a few tiny fruits showing promise for the harvest. It's such a privilege to have this wondrous tree in my garden. You can read what the dogs think of it here.

Thank you so much to Isabella, Alice and Abraham for help in changing the width of my blog and the size of the photos. Hope you like the new look.

20 April 2007


Echium candicans (Pride of Madeira) is a common plant in the south of France. The bees and butterflies just love it.

An apology that I've not been commenting much of late. Got friends for the Monte Carlo Tennis Open and 10 dogs en pension because it's school holiday time in this part of France (and all the dogs are in the house!) so here's a shot of a corner of my garden taken this morning. I'll catch up with comments next week. Forgive - and thanks so much for comments on my blogs.

13 March 2007

Terraced garden

This terraced, walled garden at Cap Martin faces the sea and looks towards Menton.

19 February 2007

A mimosa for Mimmu

Mimmu from Joensuu (Finland) DP requested a photograph of a mimosa in bloom. Wattle in Australia, of course. This one's for you, Mimmu! I took this a few days ago but wasn't too happy with the capture and intended having a go on another tree, but then it rained which has ruined all the mimosas in bloom. In fact the slightly darker patches you see on this tree are probably where it got rained on earlier. There are many varieties of mimosa, some yet to bloom, so if I get the chance I'll try again another day. Unless I get waylaid by beautiful doorways, that is.

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