Showing posts with label People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People. Show all posts

23 July 2009

Fête Créole - the Moment

This little girl had the best fun playing a sort of a peek-a-boo game with my camera and me.

I love the smaller photo but it's out of focus. I knew at some point she'd turn to face me yet my camera wasn't focused and ready for that moment. I was chatting to a friend at the same time - not a good idea.

Note to Self - be attentive, concentrate and so be ready for 'the moment.' The moment always comes.

In focus, out of focus, isn't she adorable?

17 July 2009

Ma ville est Tango - Ageless Beauty

Waiting to dance, which she did as you see in the small photograph.

I so admire women like this. No longer young but she's not given up. She dresses beautifully, she wears carefully chosen jewellry. She hasn't had a face-lift, she doesn't have dyed hair, she wears a touch of makeup. She is the natural feminine beauty she is.

Of course it would be better if she didn't smoke.

08 July 2009

The Photo that Wasn't Meant to Be

Yes, I know it's a rather grainy photo, but I want to tell you its story. I was sitting in a bar at Place du Cap, with a glass of rosé and taking the odd photograph. This man came up to me and asked if I'd taken his picture. I hadn't. I'd noticed him, that's all. I assured him, 'No, I've not taken your photograph, I was photographing something behind you.' And I told him about this blog. Then he said, really rather aggressively, 'If you want to take my photo, then you must ask.' No, no, that's OK, I don't want to take your photo, ' I said.

He went away.

Five minutes later he came back and said, 'You should ask if you want to take my photo,' so we went through it again, I reiterated I hadn't taken it and I didn't want to take it. Then he said, 'Well you can take my photograph if you want.' I nearly fell over and would have done so had I not been sitting down. 'You mean you'd like me to take your photograph?' I said. 'Okay, then,' he said.

And so I did.

I was sitting down, he was standing up leaning over me, the table was shaded by an umbrella and anyway it was dusk - hence a rather grainy photo.

Apologies for lack of comments. I am going thru a lousy bout of flu that seems to be going on forever - and have only been up to posting the blogs. Hope to be back on track soon. Meanwhile, thankyou so much for your comments.

26 June 2009


You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now.

~Joan Baez

Fête de la Musique - near the Sablettes Beach, Menton

12 June 2009

Old Wall, Old Man

He's old and uses a stick but it wouldn't surprise me if this gentleman is pretty healthy. Why? Because he lives in the Old Town of Menton and so has to walk up and down steps and slopes each day. It's the same for those who live in the surrounding hill villages. They have no choice but to walk.

He's sitting opposite the Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs in the Place de l'Eglise, which adjoins the Parvis Saint-Michel - hence the beautiful mosaic beneath his feet. buddy in Ohio wrote and asked if I'd tried this in Black and White. I had but decided to leave it in colour - to me Menton is all about the wonderful colours. Having said that, I do like it in B and W. What do YOU think? Which do you prefer?

03 June 2009

Walking into the Menu

This photograph is dedicated to Nathalie from Avignon in Photos. She often posts marvellous reflection (and shadow) photographs on her wonderful blog. Recently she posted one and made the comment that you have to keep moving your position till you get it right. That's just what I did here. We are in Place G Clemenceau, looking at a restaurant window, the menu written on the glass. I got my position right so I could see the plane tree and restaurant tables in the reflection and then waited until the right people walked into the image - et voila!

15 May 2009

Richard's Menton - Life on the Côte d'Azur

Taken on Menton's rue Piétonne (pedestrian street) by Richard.

One of the many joys of life in Menton is sitting outside a bar watching the world go by...

23 April 2009

Easter Monday People - Roller Bat and Ball

Don't kids wear the greatest gear? Pink for a little girl.

These two were playing, one on blades, one not, near to the old port of Menton.

Do take a look at Catherine's blog today to see a wonderfully ORANGE view of Menton.

22 April 2009

Easter Monday People - the Artisan

This is Noel, a ferronnier (craftsman in wrought iron) who has his workshop on Place du Petit Port in Menton. I was taking a photo of an empty wine bottle hanging on a wrought iron hook outside his door. Seemed to me strange - why a bottle and not a sign? Then he appeared and one hour later I left!

Noel is 83 years old and still works in fer forgé. He showed me inside his workshop. He proudly showed me a programme of a 1950 exhibition where his work was displayed alongside that of Pablo Picasso. And then he pulled out a fat bunch of photographs of all his work and that's why one hour later I left...

It's amazing the characters one meets just wandering around and all with a story to tell.

20 April 2009

Easter Monday People - the Dishy Italian

There I was, about to take a shot of the 'rampes,' the steps that lead up to Rue Longue, when I noticed this handsome young man. I loved the contrast of the colours of the building and he in black and white.

I thought if I was clever I'd sneak a shot of him, but he was too quick for me. He smiled. I smiled. I said, 'I'll take 'your' photograph then,' dragging my camera away from the rampes (so difficult!) and then he waved. I asked him if I could take another and later he gave me his email address to send him the photos, which I've done.

(P.S. I found it hard to choose which photo I preferred. I might yet change them around. What do you think?)

Italian men! Seems to me they are all gorgeous. Thanks, Giorgio!

19 April 2009

Easter Monday People - the Guitarist and her Dog

We've left our visit to Rue Longue - just for a few days (we'll be back, I promise).

I went to Rue Longue on Easter Monday to take more photographs of that ancient street but on the way there and back, I got to meet some interesting people - and wanted you to meet them too.

This is Virginie. She is often to be seen on the streets of Menton playing and singing - and she has a really beautiful voice. She lives in a van with her two dogs. The one you see is Tequila, her Yorkie who has recently been sterilized, because her other dog, a Jack Russell 'got at her' and she had five puppies. I suggested she castrate the Jack Russell but she didn't want to do that as he guards her and her van. Sleeping alone at night in her van, I understand.

Don't you love her footwear! Bells on her toes. A great sound with the guitar.

Notice the wisteria in the background of the photo below. It's a particular beautiful variety - pale, with much longer flower fronds than normal. I love it's delicacy. More pics of Virginie and Tequila and the wisteria on Riviera Dogs today.

29 March 2009

Daisy Daisy, Give me your answer do!

Daisy Daisy,
Give me your answer do!
I'm half crazy,
All for the love of you!
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage,
But you'll look sweet on the seat
Of a bicycle built for two !

This lovely old song was written in 1892 by Harry Dacre. To hear a 1933 recording on YouTube, please click HERE.

Daisy Daisy was also the song used for Hal's death in Kubrick's film '2001, A Space Odyssey.'

28 March 2009

The Cyclists

It always amazes and delights me when people love having their photograph taken. I saw this group in the distance and snapped them - then they saw me and one or two waved (see smaller photograph). Then they quickly organised themselves into posing with the tandem - the sun really too bright and too harsh on their happy faces. A great group having fun, doing what they love to do cycling around France.

They'd cycled over from Hyères - that's a long way...near St. Tropez. Home is the Ardèche region of France.

Tomorrow - a Bicycle Made for Two.

21 March 2009


This man has very dirty feet, which is hardly surprising as he's walking around Menton with no shoes. His guitar has broken strings and in any case it has no headstock and it seems to be used as a container for his bits and pieces. He crossed the road and walked down to the beach and then I lost him.

“The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.”

Buddha (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)

Nathalie (Avignon in Photos) has an interesting post today on homeless people.

06 October 2008

Autumn - the Blessing

Yesterday afternoon I hoped to photograph the Blessing of the Animals in Menton, but instead I found this adorable bundle playing with pebbles on the beach - and her name is Blessing. Isn't that a beautiful name?

She's 22 months old and lives, with her equally good-looking mother, in Latte, which is just across the border in Italy.

29 September 2008

Summer's End - Flirtation

A bench near to the sea in Menton. Don't you love the energy, the body language, the rapport of these three people.

07 September 2008

Summer's End - the Look

The lower back seems to be a preferred place for a tattoo although that's not what the man in the plaid shirt is looking at...

14 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - Laughter

She's giggling, he's having a good old belly laugh. Two people on a stone bench at the Place du Cap.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people - Victor Borge

29 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Tattoo

A waitress at one of the cafés in the centre of Menton.

The Colours of Passion
By Andrea Weist

The song of the needle
Is the song of my heart,
And my love of the pain
Meets my love of the art.

The liquid, fresh ink
Tells of my thirst,
And I drink of my passion
Until my heart bursts...

And the colours of joy
Can be seen on my skin;
Brilliant as sunrise,
Delicious as sin.

Nathalie at Avignon Daily Photo mentions non-permanent tattoos (and a white rat!) in her post today. It now occurs to me that perhaps what we see here is a non-permanent tattoo? It could easily be henna, couldn't it?

12 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - Love on the beach

Remember that scene on the beach in From Here to Eternity? Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr. It was made in 1953 and won 8 Oscars and yes, you'd need to be of 'un certain age' to remember. In the film, the beach was sand and the lovers had the sea lapping over them. The scene was considered somewhat risqué at the time. Click on the link to see what I'm talking about.

Nowadays, cast your eye over any Menton beach and you'll soon find a pair of young lovers - oblivious to those around them. This was taken the same day as the two previous photographs - as dusk started to fall.

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