Showing posts with label People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People. Show all posts

07 July 2008

Time for a roll-up

Here's one of the characters of Roquebrune-cap-Martin. Taken near to the beach. His little dog is called Yappa. I'd noticed her earlier and taken her photograph for Riviera Dogs, but she was very nervous. Much happier here alongside her owner.

23 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - Célia et Sébastien

Remember Célia, the beautiful young girl doing her make-up in the motorbike mirror? And featured a day later in the 1925 Renault Torpedo?

In the small photo, left, you see a sweet young girl but in the main photo we see a sensuality that reminded me of Jeanne Moreau - somehow it demands to be seen in black and white. Amazing to me how photography can change the way we see. And what we see changes a photograph!

08 April 2008

The hand of an Italian

As we all know, Italians talk with their hands, not just their voices. Look at this man - he's standing, talking to a group of men who are sitting on a bench in front of him. You can see the head of one of them. That hand never leaves his chest except to express what he is saying.

I used to go to an Italian hairdresser and if he was talking to someone else in the salon, I got my hair washed with one hand. He was incapable of talking without using at least one hand. I adore Italians! And of course, Menton is so much Italian - all the French here speak Italian. You cross the border and they speak French. And many of the businesses in Menton are run by Italians or families that were originally Italian.

Do you use your hands when speaking?

05 November 2007


This little girl was one of many children rollerblading in Menton yesterday along the Bord de la Mer - and where the road is closed to traffic on the first Sunday of every month.

Yesterday I went to an exhibition of photos I'd expected all the photos to be of Menton, but not so - they were photographs depicting all sorts of subjects. I did talk briefly to a very nice guy called Maxime Peregrini who has taken some wonderful photos of Menton - some of which you can see at At first I was daunted by the talent on display and this exhibition but later got inspired (!) so I thought I'd try the above photograph in black and white but with emphasis on the child herself.

Which photograph do you prefer?

18 June 2007

Power walking

We're told the Mediterranean diet is the healthiest in the world - all those fresh veggies, fish and olive oil - and that's why the locals live so long. I'll tell you why they live so long - apart from their diet - it's because they have to walk endlessly up and down the hills. Take this lady walking up a very steep and long hill. She eventually took a well-deserved rest, outside the old town walls in Sospel. Her dog, mind you, a rather chubby Miniature Pinscher, looks as if he might not be fed a Mediterranean diet...

29 May 2007

Street vendor

This is typical of a street vendor in Menton - usually from north Africa. Here I love that he's grabbed a seat from the bakery/bar next door. Many sell illegal copies of branded named sunglasses, bags and wallet. However, these may not be copies as there seem to be rather a lot for him to whip up and off ground if the police walk by.

27 May 2007

Roller blader

This child was taking a rest outside a shop in the pedestrian street of Menton.

18 May 2007

Little old ladies

Outside the main market, you'll always find little old ladies selling produce they grow on their land - perhaps in Menton, perhaps in one of the hill villages. You'll see this lady is selling homemade jams and chutneys and she has a few eggs for sale as well. Sorry I nearly chopped her head off in this second photo. (Oseille is sorrel.)

14 May 2007

The Wilder Shores of Love

Lesley Blanch at her 100th birthday party in the gardens of the Clos du Perronet, Menton

Today I went to the beautiful and moving funeral of Lesley Blanch, the writer and traveller. It was held in the church of Roquebrune village. Roquebrune adjoins Menton. Lesley Blanch, who died at the age of 102, lived in Menton and was, at one time married to the writer and diplomat, Romain Gary. She was always known locally as Madame Gary. You can read her obituraries in The Times, The Independent, The Telegraph. Here is The Telegraph's obituary - it's worth reading - she was an amazing lady. Suffice to say I am privileged to have known her. The Wilder Shores of Love was Lesley's best known book - it has never been out of print since its first publication in 1954.

Inside the church awaiting arrival of coffin

The priest making the blessing with incense

Outside the church

04 May 2007


The 1st May each year sees a massive brocante in Menton and each year it gets more and more crowded. Stalls selling all manner of beautiful antiques sit alongside others selling total junk. Anyone can take a stall and it makes for a fascinating mix. Tables crowd the walking street, the market area, and various squares throughout the town and along the sea. It's pretty much impossible to park but everyone has a good time. This lady caught my camera's eye. She has difficulty walking yet notice how elegant she is, she wears her hat at a jaunty angle and has a beautifully cared-for little dog. I've photographed this lady before - in a different hat! - on Riviera Dogs.

02 May 2007


Dogs in restaurants are the norm in France. Here an older lady proudly shows off her lunch companion at Le Balico - my favourite Menton restaurant - or have I told you that before? Of course I have! I went yesterday and this lady and her dog were at the next table. We had moules, followed by tortellini with ricotta and basil. Yummy.

Are dogs allowed in restaurants in your country?

Note: Since posting this, sadly Le Balico has been sold and is now under new management.

29 April 2007

Journée nationale de la déportation

Today sees ceremonies all over France as it's the National Day of the Deportation. I'm not sure of the symbolism here with the American flags but presume it's because it was the Americans who liberated the camps in 1945. Hope someone more knowledgeable than me will comment if I've got it wrong. (Please read Abraham Lincoln's explanation in the first comment - thank you Abraham). I presume this little boy is the older man's grandchild - even great grandchild. And note the girl in the background - she is holding her guinea-pig - cochon d'Inde in French.

02 April 2007


Following on from yesterday's public mail box theme - some post is delivered by the facteur in a van, some on a bike and here, in the higher part of the old town, there's only one way - on foot.

07 March 2007


This woman took advantage of a fenced off shop front - closed for renovations - to set up shop with her guitar and entertain the public with her chansons. This was just along from the main market place in Menton. Isn't that Che on her guitar?

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