Showing posts with label Street Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Street Photography. Show all posts

17 November 2016


Amber wheels!

15 November 2016

One little boy ...

In a world of his own ...

23 October 2016


The Spanish quarter, Naples.

18 October 2016

Naples - a character from 'The Godfather'

Naples - something about this guy reminds me of Robert Duvall in the The Godfather!

09 September 2016

No barriers

Young and old - with a dog, there are no barriers.

Jeunes ou vieux - avec un chien, il n'y a pas de barrières.

14 August 2016

Light and shade in Nice

Light and shade in Nice.
L'ombre et lumière à Nice.

13 August 2016

Nice Old Town

Light and shade in Nice.

Lumière et ombre à Nice.

06 August 2016

Nice Old Town

Nice Old Town.
Nice Vieille Ville.

08 July 2016


Over-dressed and under-dressed!

26 June 2016

All you need ...

All you need is love... tra la ...

12 June 2016

Concentration for a Kiwi

Choosing Kiwi fruit takes concentration.


Le choix de Kiwis demande de  la concentration.

11 June 2016

Bar des PTT

Bar des PTT in Aix en Provence.


Bar des PTT à Aix en Provence.

02 June 2016


Pedestrian crossing in Menton.


Passage piétons à Menton

07 May 2016

Rest and recuperation

Sometimes you just have to sit down ...


Parfois, on a juste besoin de s'asseoir ... 

24 April 2016

Imprint of Despair

So proud that this photo was awarded first prize in EMAP's competition, 'Imprints of Today'. I called it 'Imprint of Despair.'

I was in great company with so many beautiful images from so many talented photographers - you can see all the prize-winning photos along with 40 short-listed images at the Serre de la Madone, Menton until the 13th June.


Tellement fière qu'à cette photo ait été décerné le premier prix du concours de l' EMAP, « Empreintes d'aujourd'hui ». Je l'ai appelée « Empreinte du désespoir.

J'étais parmi tant de belles images et  de tant de photographes de talent - vous pouvez voir toutes les photos primées ainsi que 40 images présélectionnées à la Serre de la Madone, Menton,
jusqu'au 13 Juin.

20 March 2016

Lady in Red

Sometimes a reflection can surprise a photographer. Look at the lady in red on the left and then look at her reflection in the window on the right. Now how did that happen?


Parfois, un reflet peut surprendre un photographe. Regardez la dame en rouge sur la gauche et ensuite regardez son reflet dans la fenêtre de droite. Alors, comment est-ce possible?

14 March 2016


Monte Carlo red.


Monte Carlo.  Rouge.

12 March 2016





11 March 2016

Evening stroll

In search of dinner ...

A la recherche d'un dîner ...

10 March 2016

Cigarette break

Cigarette break.


Pause cigarette.

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