01 May 2008

Theme Day - Numbers

Theme Day for the City Daily Photo family and today's theme is numbers. I wonder if the number 26 shown on these boys' T-shirts represents a famous French footballer? This Menton beach photo was taken at the end of March.

Today, being the first of the month, it's City Daily Photo Theme Day with 181 different cities throughout the world taking part. Please click here to view thumbnails for all participants where you'll find originality and beautiful photographs waiting for your viewing pleasure.

30 April 2008

The Butcher's Dog

This dog is always in exactly the same place outside the butcher's shop. Really strange that he never moves and amazingly he kept really still for my photograph. Good dog! The shop is in a small side street in Carnoles, part of Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.

You can enlarge the smaller photographer to see what a friendly chap the butcher is - not sure his clothes would meet hygiene requirements in some countries tho.

29 April 2008

Morning Light

The morning sun - hundreds of dots of light dancing on the sea is something I just love. Here, I've photographed somewhat against the sun - doubtless breaking rules - but I don't mind the steeples in shade. Do you?

This was taken just below the cemetery and looking over the Old Town and port.

28 April 2008

Quatre Saisons

Menton is not known as the City of Lemons for nothing. Citrus - oranges and lemons - are everywhere. Here you see one of the most common varieties of lemon: the Four Seasons, named for good reason as you get blossom and fruit all year round. You can see this even more clearly in the smaller photo - click to enlarge.

These shots were taken outside a small house way up in the Old Town - and just below the cemetery.

27 April 2008

An Iris for Isabella

A Gorbio garden

Today is Isabella's 400th post and for the moment, her last. Isabella's Naples Daily Photo was one of the first CDP blogs that caught my eye, and since then, I've never missed one of her posts. How I'll miss those beaches, the wonderful birds and of course, Big Al, the aligator. But most of all, I'll miss Isabella's wit, generosity of spirit and sense of fun.

Isabella quoted Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in yesterday's post and so for you, Isabella, here is Longfellow's favourite flower - the iris.

Still - in a way - nobody sees a flower - really - it is so small - we haven't the time -
and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time. -
Georgia O'Keeffe.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy...and come back someday, Isabella.

26 April 2008

A Grave Birth

You never know what you'll find wandering around the beautiful cemetery above the Old Town.

I wonder how the inhabitants of this grave would feel if they knew a seagull had taken up residence to sit on her eggs?

She kept a very beady eye on me so I didn't stay long.

25 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - Last Day

The truth is I feel a bit like the dog you see in this collage who seems to be saying 'get me outta here!' I'm getting bored with cars and we can't have the photographer bored... so, tomorrow, time to move on to other joys of Menton.

Here are a few cars you've not yet seen. The lady in the top middle photo, by the way, is one of the judges. There's a Merc. 190 SL - there was a 230 too but not in this collage.

Thanks so much to everyone who has followed this series and for your very welcome comments.

Tomorrow - on to pastures new...

24 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - NOT a Topolino!

After the event, this car was featured in Nice-Matin and referred to as a Topolino. After much Googling, the Topolinos I found didn't look like this car. Indeed, Richard from Zurich Daily Photo had featured a Topolino - very different as you see.

Richard suggested I write to Fabrizio from Torino Daily Photo who knows all things to do with cars and Fabrizio assures me that this car is definitely not a Topolino and Nice-Matin had got it wrong! Well, we all know that you can't believe all you read in newspapers.

The Topolinos (Micky Mouse - or more correctly Little Mouse) refer to the

- Fiat 500 A produced from 1936 to 1948.
- Fiat 500 B produced from 1948 to 1949. Type A and B
- Fiat 500 C produced from 1049 to 1955 (Fabrizio's father had a blue one). Type C.

The car you see in this photograph is simply a Fiat 500, a special series model that was first made on the 4th July 1957. In fact, the very newest Fiat 500 was introduced last year on the 4th July.

Thanks very much, Fabrizio for all this information. Big kiss to you!

23 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - Célia et Sébastien

Remember Célia, the beautiful young girl doing her make-up in the motorbike mirror? And featured a day later in the 1925 Renault Torpedo?

In the small photo, left, you see a sweet young girl but in the main photo we see a sensuality that reminded me of Jeanne Moreau - somehow it demands to be seen in black and white. Amazing to me how photography can change the way we see. And what we see changes a photograph!

22 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - Simca Six

There's always great interest at the concours. Little boys, big boys, mothers - everyone wants to look inside and admire.

Another tiny car - this is a 1949 Simca Six Decouvrable.

Simca was founded in France in 1934. Originally associated with Fiat but later independent. In 1970 it became defunct and was taken over by the Chrysler group.

The Spanish parody group, Los Inhumanos, had a popular song called Qué dificil es hacer el amor en Simca 1000! (How difficult it is to make love in a Simca 1000!) One presumes it would be even more difficult in a Simca Six!

21 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - MG + 3

Everyone proudly poses in front of their cars. Here you see grandfather, daughter and grandchild in front of their MG - obviously a newer model than the one we saw the other day, but still a minimum of 25 years old - as are all the cars are at this concours.

20 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - Fiat 600 Jolly Ghia

"In 1958, Fiat shipped a number of Fiat 600s to the Italian design house, Ghia, for conversion into the Jolly. Featuring wicker seats and the option of a fringed top to shield its occupants from the Mediterranean sun, these cars were originally made for use on large yachts of the wealthy. Arisototle Onassis owned one.

With a cost of nearly double that of a standard '600' they were made in a very limited production. It's believed that fewer than 100 exist today, each one being unique. 32 Jolly cars were used as taxis on the island of Catalina off the coast of Los Angeles in the years 1958-1962." - Wikipedia

19 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - Belle

This lady was taking a rest on the wall by the fountain, watching the crowds milling about the cars and waiting for the time when her car would be judged. I never did see her in the car, but I'm pretty sure it was one of the beautiful Hotchkiss.

She was happy to be photographed - she wore a long flowing outfit perfect for the occasion and the car - and when finished I told her, 'Vous êtes belle, Madame.' And indeed she is.

18 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - MG

Not only a British car but a car with British number plates. An MG. I don't know the year but I'm sure someone will tell me.

My first car was an MG. A TA, I think, it was. Anyway it was registered in 1939 - cost me £80. I drove it around Chelsea with bare feet, a mess of hair on my head. We were called hippies in those days! I drove the car till it would go no further and couldn't afford to get it fixed. Should have kept it - be worth a fortune now.

17 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - Fiat 500

Pretty sure this is a Fiat 500. So tiny, isn't it? They were made between 1957 and 1975. Their predecessor was the Fiat Topolino and you'll be seeing one of those too, decorated with palm trees!

I have a friend in Monaco, well over six feet tall and he used to drive around in a purple version of this car - a tight squeeze you might say and you'd be right. One day it died in a fire. He loved and mourned that car.

16 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - Renault Torpedo

Here you see the car that yesterday's young lady was getting ready to accompany. It's a 1925 Renault NN, Torpedo. The owners bought the car in 1982 and since then they've changed the tyres, the car has been repainted and a small amount of work has been done to the engine. Meanwhile, they buy parts for the car directly from Renault or from enthusiasts.

In the last photo, you see the car ready for judgement. The judges are sitting off to the left, out of shot.

15 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - Make-up mirror

A motorbike mirror. A pretty girl puts the finishing touches to her macquillage. She knows I'm photographing her and can't stop giggling.

What car is she about to adorn? Note the style of headdress, the fur, the glove.

Do come back tomorrow to find out.

14 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - Hotchkiss

As you can see, this gathering of ancient cars is very popular in Menton. I've not heard of a display of cars and flowers before. Have you? These three Hotchkiss cars show different choices in flower arrangements.

Hotchkiss cars were made between 1903 and 1955 by the French company Hotchkiss & Cie in Saint-Denis, Paris - a company started by an American engineer, Benjamin B.Hotchkiss from Connecticut. The badge for the marque showed a pair of crossed cannons, evoking the company's earlier history as an arms manufacturer during the Franco-Prussian war.

13 April 2008

Les Anciennes Fleuries - 1912 Zebra

Yesterday, the Automobile Club of Menton held its annual concours of classic cars - but with a twist - dressed up with flowers. It's a annual competition that considers the car, the flower arrrangements and the costumes of the drivers. All the flowers were provided by the florists of Menton and of Roquebrune-cap-Menton.

There were 25 cars exhibited - a real mix from a Mercedes 190 SL to a Cinquecento Topolino but no vehicle was less than 25 years old.

Here you see the oldest car exhibited, a Zebra of 1912. This particular car was buried in the ground during the war. Click on the link to read more about the model.

Tomorrow - a Hotchkiss.

12 April 2008

Love in the afternoon

"France is the only place where you can make love in the afternoon without people hammering on your door"

- Barbara Cartland

11 April 2008

So you'd like to own a boat?

As you can see, owning a boat isn't all lazing about, sipping champagne and cultivating a tan. This couple spent Easter Saturday working on their boat in the old port of Menton.

I wouldn't be taking the photo today - we've had rain for two or three days and Gorbio is in thick fog. Sunshine tomorrow - according to the meteo. Hooray!

10 April 2008


We are walking down from the Château in the village of Gorbio. As you can see new steps have been built on the left. In a medieval village, restoration is always needed. Occasionally you see work that is far too modern and stands out like the proverbial sore thumb. In this case, the steps appear to be made of stone and hopefully will soon weather down and blend in with the centuries old walls.

09 April 2008

Life's a beach

Louder than gulls the little children scream

Whom fathers haul into the jovial foam;

But others fearlessly rush in, breast high,

Laughing the salty water from their mouthes--

Heroes of the nursery.

- Robert Graves

08 April 2008

The hand of an Italian

As we all know, Italians talk with their hands, not just their voices. Look at this man - he's standing, talking to a group of men who are sitting on a bench in front of him. You can see the head of one of them. That hand never leaves his chest except to express what he is saying.

I used to go to an Italian hairdresser and if he was talking to someone else in the salon, I got my hair washed with one hand. He was incapable of talking without using at least one hand. I adore Italians! And of course, Menton is so much Italian - all the French here speak Italian. You cross the border and they speak French. And many of the businesses in Menton are run by Italians or families that were originally Italian.

Do you use your hands when speaking?

07 April 2008

Fire over Menton!

A couple of hours after I took the main photograph a fire devasted 50 hectares of land above Garavan. Had I remained in Menton just a little longer I would have had a photograph for you but back home in Gorbio, I don't see this part of the town. In the smaller photograph, taken a few days later, you can see the burned forest behind the church spires. With fires so early in the year, it doesn't mode well for a fire-free summer.

One of this blog's readers who visits Menton regularly wrote soon after telling me he'd seen the fire on the Menton webcam. I didn't know there was a webcam so am most grateful for the information. Thankyou, Don. You'll find a link on the right hand side of this blog - or click on the link. It seems you get control of the camera, which is located at St. Agnes, for 2 minutes. You then get a choice of 10 locations to view, with zoom control too.

Note: this webcam isn't working at the moment. I'll add it to the sidebar when it's working again. Technical problem!

The beach webcam, tho, always works although it's less impressive and with just the one view along the beach to the Old Town. See link on right.

06 April 2008

Lunch actually

Lunch and love by the sea in Menton - Italy in the background.

I've not shown a Black and White photo before - so many thanks to Chuckeroon from Richmond upon Thames Daily Photo who suggested it for this one. And of course to Eric from Paris Daily Photo for the inspiration following his romantic Parisian marriage proposal.

05 April 2008

My kingdom for horse...

Meet Sophie, a gorgeous laid-back Golden Retriever with her proud young Italian owner. This was taken in the port of Garavan. To see a close up of Sophie, please click on the link.

There a quiz on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today. Do please visit - click on the link for The Great Great Monte Carlo Swimming Pool Quiz.

04 April 2008

Rue Longue - 11

Here you see the far end of Rue Longue, near to Porte Sainte-Julien. Work at this end of the street is complete. Here, you'll find the restaurant, A Braijade Meridiounale.

We've visited this end of the street before - indeed, this part of Rue Longue has been finished a long time - but today, the restaurant is all decked out with plants and umbrellas - a welcoming sight amidst the chaos of the rest of the street.

03 April 2008

Rue Longue - 10

Wires and pipes everywhere on Rue Longue. Below, part of the street still has no surface (this is the area immediately below the steps that go up to the Basilica, so it's unavoidable for the tourists. Let's hope it will be finished soon. Tomorrow, you'll see the end of this street - the only part that is finished.

I don't normally show you photographs of friends or of my own personal life, but I had a very handsome young man visiting with friends over the weekend. I asked if he minded my publishing his photograph and he didn't. I suppose if you are good looking, you don't mind showing it off - click on the link to view.

02 April 2008

Rue Longue - 9

We've walked a little further down the street. I met a lady who lives at one end of Rue Longue and walks back and forth each day to her business, which is at the other end. I said I thought there'd had been great progress. She shrugged as only the French can shrug - and rightly so. The work has been going on, way beyond its original promised finish date. I believe many problems arose as they dug up the street - problems that couldn't have been anticipated? It's still supposed to be finished for the main tourist season but hey, we are in April already. She said it's hard with all the dirt and the noise of the work. I can imagine!

This street will be fabulous when it's finished and will breathe new life into the Old Town with shops and restaurants but you'd not want to be living there at the moment.

More tomorrow.

01 April 2008

Theme Day: Water

To these small boys, water means sea, means fishing. Is there a small boy anywhere in the world who doesn't love to fish? Here are just two in the Menton port of Garavan.

Today is Theme Day with 179 other cities taking part. Do click on their links below to see how City Daily Photo bloggers throughout the world over have interpreted the theme of water - there are so many inspiring and wonderful photographs - do go visit.

Adelaide, Australia by Gordon, Albuquerque (NM), USA by Helen, American Fork (UT), USA by Annie, Anderson (SC), USA by Lessie, Ararat, Australia by Digger, Arradon, France by Alice, Ashton under Lyne, UK by Pennine, Athens, Greece by Debbie, Auckland, New Zealand by Lachezar, Austin (TX), USA by LB, Bandung, Indonesia by Guntur Purwanto, Barton (VT), USA by Andree, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro by Paja, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro by Bibi, Bellefonte (PA), USA by Barb-n-PA, Bicheno, Australia by Greg, Bogor, Indonesia by Gagah, Boston (MA), USA by Fenix, Boston (MA), USA by Cluelessinboston, Boston (MA), USA by Sarah, Whit, & Leyre, Brighton, UK by Harvey, Brookville (OH), USA by Abraham, Budapest, Hungary by Zannnie and Zsolt, Budapest, Hungary by Isadora, Canterbury, UK by Rose, Cape Town, South Africa by Kerry-Anne, Chandler (AZ), USA by Melindaduff, Chateaubriant, France by Bergson, Cheltenham, UK by Marley, Chicago (IL), USA by b.c., Christchurch, New Zealand by Michelle, Clearwater (FL), USA by Smaridge01, Clearwater Beach (FL), USA by Smaridge01, Cleveland (OH), USA by iBlowfish, Coral Gables (FL), USA by Jnstropic, Cypress (TX), USA by Riniroo, Dallas/Fort Worth (TX), USA by A Wandering Soul, Dunedin (FL), USA by Smaridge01, Durban, South Africa by CrazyCow, East Gwillimbury, Canada by Your EG Tour Guide, Evry, France by Olivier, Glasgow, Scotland by Jackie, Greenville (SC), USA by Denton, Grenoble, France by Bleeding Orange, Guelph, Canada by Pat, Gun Barrel City (TX), USA by Lake Lady, Hamilton, New Zealand by Sakiwi, Hampton (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Haninge, Sweden by Steffe, Helsinki, Finland by Kaa, Hobart, Australia by Greg, Hyde, UK by Old Hyde, Inverness (IL), USA by Neva, Jackson (MS), USA by Halcyon, Jakarta, Indonesia by Santy, Jefferson City (MO), USA by Chinamom2005, Jogjakarta, Indonesia by Jogja Portrait, Joplin (MO), USA by Victoria, Juneau (AK), USA by Gwyn, Katonah (NY), USA by Inkster1, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Edwin, Kyoto, Japan by Tadamine, Lake Forest Park (WA), USA by Azure, Larchmont (NY), USA by Marie-Noyale, Las Vegas (NV), USA by Mo, Lisbon, Portugal by Sailor Girl, Lisbon, Portugal by Maria João, Lodz, Poland by ritalounge, London, UK by Ham, London, UK by Mo, Mainz, Germany by JB, Maple Ridge, Canada by Susan, Marseille, France by Alex, Mazatlan, Mexico by Kate, Melbourne, Australia by John, Melbourne, Australia by Mblamo, Memphis (TN), USA by SouthernHeart, Menton, France by Jilly, Mexico City, Mexico by Carraol, Mexico City, Mexico by Poly, Minneapolis (MN), USA by Mitch, Minneapolis (MN), USA by Greg, Minsk, Belarus by Olga, Monrovia (CA), USA by Keith, Monte Carlo, Monaco by Jilly, Montego Bay, Jamaica by Ann, Monterrey, Mexico by rafa, Moscow, Russia by Irina, Mumbai, India by Magiceye, Mumbai, India by MumbaiiteAnu, Mumbai, India by Kunalbhatia, Nancy, France by yoshi, Naples (FL), USA by Isabella, Nashville (TN), USA by Chris, Nelson, New Zealand by Meg and Ben, New Orleans (LA), USA by steve buser, New York City (NY), USA by Ming the Merciless, Niamey, Niger by Dinabee, Norfolk (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Norman (OK), USA by Chad & LaCresha, Norwich, UK by Goddess888, Nottingham, UK by Gail's Man, Odense, Denmark by ania odense, Omsk, Russia by Nataly, Orlando (FL), USA by OrlFla, Oslo, Norway by Lothiane, Paderborn, Germany by Soemchen, Paris, France by Gordio, Paris, France by Eric, Pasadena (CA), USA by Can8ianben, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia by Murphy_jay, Pilisvörösvár, Hungary by Elise, Pont-à-Mousson, France by Tintin-j, Port Angeles (WA), USA by Jelvistar, Port Elizabeth, South Africa by Sam, Port Townsend (WA), USA by raf, Port Vila, Vanuatu by Mblamo, Portland (OR), USA by NWgal, Portland (ME), USA by Corey, Portsmouth (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Prague, Czech Republic by Honza03, Quincy (MA), USA by Cluelessinboston, Riga, Latvia by Prokur, Rotterdam, Netherlands by Ineke, Saarbrücken, Germany by LadyDemeter, Saigon, Vietnam by Simon, Saint Louis (MO), USA by Strangetastes, Saint Paul (MN), USA by Kate, Salem (OR), USA by jill, Salt Lake City (UT), USA by Eric, Salt Lake City (UT), USA by atc, San Diego (CA), USA by Felicia, San Francisco (CA), USA by PFranson, Seattle (WA), USA by Chuck, Seattle (WA), USA by Kim, Seguin (TX), USA by Thien, Selma (AL), USA by RamblingRound, Sequim (WA), USA by Eponabri, Sesimbra, Portugal by Aldeia, Setúbal, Portugal by Maria Elisa, Shanghai, China by Jing, Sharon (CT), USA by Jenny, Singapore, Singapore by Keropok, Sofia, Bulgaria by Antonia, St Francis, South Africa by Sam, Stavanger, Norway by Tanty, Stayton (OR), USA by Celine, Stockholm, Sweden by Stromsjo, Stouffville, Canada by Ken, Subang Jaya, Malaysia by JC, Suffolk (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Sunshine Coast, Australia by bitingmidge, Sydney, Australia by Nathalie, Sydney, Australia by Sally, Székesfehérvár, Hungary by Teomo, Tacloban City, Philippines by agnesdv, Terrell (TX), USA by Bstexas, Terrell (TX), USA by Jim K, The Hague, Netherlands by Lezard, Tokyo, Japan by Tadamine, Toruń, Poland by Torun Observer, Toulouse, France by Julia, Turin, Italy by Livio, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina by Jazzy, Twin Cities (MN), USA by Slinger, Victoria, Canada by Benjamin Madison, Vienna, Austria by G_mirage2, Virginia Beach (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Wailea (HI), USA by Kuanyin, Washington (DC), USA by Rachel, Wassenaar, Netherlands by Rich, Wellington, New Zealand by Jeremyb, West Paris (ME), USA by crittoria, West Sacramento (CA), USA by Barbara, Weston (FL), USA by WestonDailyPhoto, Williamsburg (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Willits (CA), USA by Elaine, Yardley (PA), USA by Mrlynn,

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