24 August 2008

The Village Fête - Manon

This weekend Gorbio, a medieval village 7 kilometres from Menton, holds its Fête Patronale de la Saint Barthélémy. I love Gorbio, but then I would, 'cos it's my village.

This morning, the animals gathered in the village square - around the old elm tree that was planted in 1713. The priests walked down from the church for the Blessing of the Animals. Here you see Gorbio's newest resident - Manon, the baby donkey.

Tomorrow - the Blessing.

23 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Sheep who Swims in the Sea

Woolite loves to swim in the sea with her owner Philippe (see yesterday's post). Here she is saying Bonjour to a Jack Russell terrier. In the smaller photograph, like everyone else, she takes a shower after her swim. And below you see her in a race with her owner. Click on Riviera Dogs for another few of the little dog - plus his ball.

22 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - 30 Million d'Amis

Remember Woolite, the ewe who runs around Menton following her owner Philippe wherever he goes? This morning she was being filmed for a French television programme called 30 Million d'Amis, which is all about animals - every sort you can imagine.

Here you see the 30 Million d'Amis crew filming Woolite and Philippe along the promenade where Menton joins Roquebrune. Tomorrow come back and see Woolite swimming in the sea with Philippe.

21 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Cat

Had enough of the beaches? Too many Fete Days? Want to get away from the August crowds?

Then take a walk in the Old Town. Just wander - take little alleyways, don't worry, you won't get lost - and anyway, exploring is all part of the fun. And a promise - you'll see lots of cats.

This lovely cat often sits here, appreciating caresses from locals and visitors.

20 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Turtle

And turtle makes three...

Talking of water creatures - to see crocodiles doing naughty things, take a look at Nantes Daily Photo.

19 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Pianist

Jean Bernard Pommier is not only the director of the 59th Festival of Music in Menton but on this particular evening, was conductor of the Menton Saint Petersburg Orchestra and, for the final piece, the soloist as well. And how he enjoyed himself - his energy and talent kept everyone entranced. Watch those hands go! This is one pianist who so enjoyed playing Saint-Saëns' 2nd concerto.

He was incredible to watch as he played and conducted at the same time. The critic of Nice-Matin wrote that it was better than a fireworks display and in his opinion, the best of the three pieces.

18 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Festival of Music

Each summer - in August - Menton holds its famous Festival of Music. This year is the 59th year. Seating, as we see, is in the square outside the Basilica. The columns of the Basilica are on our left and you can see another photograph of this facade by clicking in the link.

Ahead of us is the Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs - you saw the inside of this beautiful building the other day. The majority of the Old Town is to our right. Behind us is the sea and so those sitting facing us, have a wondrous view. Actually I think we do too, don't you?

In the photograph, the pianist and artisitic director of the Festival, Jean-Bernard Pommier, is addressing the audience. He is also the conductor of the orchestra: the Martinova-Kazakov Menton Saint-Peterburg Orchestra.

They played works by Mozart, Haydn and Saint Saëns. My favourite was the beautiful clarinet of Andrey Kazakov - the soloist in Mozart's Concerto for clarinet and orchestra KV622. Unfortunately I couldn't get a photograph of him as he was masked by the conductor, who because of the wind had to conduct with one hand only and with the other, he held on to the soloist's music - to prevent it blowing away in the wind. Someone needed to have brought a peg onstage!

I want to thank Chuckeroon of Richmond upon Thames Daily Photo. If I printed out and counted the number of emails, Chuckeroon has written - helping me, advising me, answering endless questions on night photography, I think I'd fill the Basilica with them. Chuckeroon, thank you so much for your patience with me. A long way to go yet, but I'm slowly learning and today go to buy a 'proper' tripod. I took this photograh with a Gorillapod, which had been suggested by Don, a regular visitor to Menton and to this blog. It stood happily on the low wall in front of where I sat. Thanks, Don.

Tomorrow - the pianist and the cellos.

17 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Prince

Watering the hanging pots the other day, who should pop out and jump on the plastic support of another pot, but a frog. He lives in the right hand pot you see in the smaller photo.

Do you think if I kiss him he'll turn into my Prince?

16 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - Youth

High summer means having fun on a pontoon. In the smaller photo another pontoon - another group of young people - almost tipped over. It didn't!

And if you'd like to see The Barack Obama Dog please click on the live link to Riviera Dogs.

15 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Piano Recital

Menton holds its famous Festival of Music each August. In additional to the main concerts held outside the Basilica at 21h30, there are smaller recitals held outdoors at 11h and 17h (we saw the Mandolin Player the other day). There are also recitals that take place at 18h at the stunningly beautiful Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs, the interior of which, you see here. This Chapel stands at a right-angle to the Basilica itself in the centre of the Old Town.

These are my first proper attempts at indoor photography. I tried using a Gorillapod as a tripod but no joy - the chairs available as support were just too slippery. And I apologise for the awful photograph of Einav Yarden, the wonderful Israeli pianist. (I'm learning, folks) Einav lives in the USA. She played - so beautifully - a series of sonatas by Bach, Stravinsky and Beethoven.

14 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - Laughter

She's giggling, he's having a good old belly laugh. Two people on a stone bench at the Place du Cap.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people - Victor Borge

13 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Flat Peach

Les pêches plates as they are called in France - or the Donut Peach in America.

The original flat peach variety was introduced to the United States from China in 1869 but it never became very popular. New varieties of the flat peach have been gaining in popularity since the 1990s and have been fairly recently seen in the south of France. They are grown in France, Italy and Spain.

The flat peach comes with white or yellow flesh, as do their bigger cousins, of course - the round peach - but these have a very subtle flavour, delicate perfume, and are particularly sweet. Apparently they are easy to grow in our climate and are really catching on. Last week I saw about six stalls selling them in Menton market. Yesterday, when I took this photograph, only one, but that's because the season is coming to an end.

12 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Pink Beach Towel

Here's a longer shot of yesterday's photograph. We are on one of Menton's dog beaches - a pebble beach. Not all of Menton's beaches have pebbles. Les Sablettes, Menton's biggest beach, which is at the foot of the Old Town, has sand - and like this one, it's also a public beach.

The Golden Retriever and the Labrador playing in the sea, can be seen - in other shots and in close-up - by clicking on each link.

11 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Beach Companion

A contented dog, sandy face and feet, cuddled up next to his owner on one of Menton's dog beaches. Tomorrow - we'll see the rest of the Lady on the Pink Towel - and a longer shot of this dog beach.

10 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Mandolin Player

A by-product of Menton's famous Music Festival held each August is that this year - each day - at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. you will find young musicians performing in the town. Here you see a young mandolin player. In the smaller photograph, you see the group - three mandolins and a guitar. We are at Square Etats-Unis - a charming small garden, tucked away off Avenue Carnot. (click on small photo to enlarge to full size)

This year Menton is holding the 59th Festival of Music. The main concerts are held on the Parvis of the Basilica Saint-Michel Archange - the big church in the Old Town of Menton. (If you go back to the hazy photograph of Menton a couple of days ago, you can see the church - the one with he tallest steeple). A Parvis is a square outside a church. You sit on tiered seating and as you listen to the music you look out over the sea to the horizon. It has to be one of the most magical places to see a concert.

And for those of you thinking that Menton is still sitting under a haze of pollution you should know the wind blew the muck away - probably it was the edge of a Mistral from the Rhône valley - that's as much as we get of a Mistral here. Now, we bask under clear sunny blue skies again. I'd hate you to worry about me!

09 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Beach Vendor

The man who sells everything...dresses, shirts, scarves, swim-wear and sun hats. In his right-hand, he's carrying a home-made display case (you can see the cardboard and string) which is crammed with sunglasses and watches and probably a lot more besides.

He trudges the beaches for most of the day. Hot work I'd think with everything he's carrying, not to mention the weight of the hats on his head.

All the guys who sell sunglasses and watches are of North African origin and wear glorious flowing robes. Some try selling counterfeit watches and sunglasses. In Menton, but particularly across the border in Ventimiglia. Usually a cat and mouse game between them and the police. Whether this seller has counterfeit goods in his display case, I don't know. Probably not - he'd not be able to run very fast with that lot, would he? In any case, there are one of two of these sellers I see regularly so they probably have the relevant licence. Or the police turn a blind eye.

08 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Waiter

A bar in the Place du Cap at the foot of the Old Town.

07 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - Pollution

See that fug over the Old Town? It's particularly evident in the smaller photograph - (click to enlarge) - where you see an oppressive haze over Monaco in the distance. This is pollution caused by too many cars. On the day I took this photograph, the speed limit on the autoroutes had been restricted in an effort to reduce emissions from cars.

Since then, the sky is clearer - and I presume those restrictions have been lifted as I've not read more in our local rag, Nice-Matin. So don't feel too sorry for those of us who live here.

The photographs were taken from the Italian border.

06 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - La Foule

La Foule = crowds. Crowded beaches. That's Menton in July and August - at least on the public beaches, one of which you see here. You can spread out a little more on the private beaches in Garavan.

On the left you can see the lifeguard sitting in his tower and in the foreground, left, one of the beach showers. In the distance, again left, you see part of the Old Town. Further away - Italy.

05 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - Karting

Each summer, you'll find one weekend devoted to Karting. This year the 36th Grand prix was held and here you see one of the heats. I can't imagine how hot these kids must have been in their gear but presumably they don't think of that as they dream of growing up to be Schumacher or Hamilton, both of whom started in Karting.

The races are held at the far end of the Sablettes Beach and prove very popular with visitors who sit in the cafés, sip their cooling drinks - and enjoy all the excitement.

04 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Bikini

Suntan lotion, beach towel... and a bikini - et voilà!

03 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Créole girl

So many beautiful Créoles in Menton last week. Here's a young beauty waiting for people to buy her produce. More gorgeous dreadlocks as per the guy you saw yesterday.

The tablecloth you see seems to be traditional. Nearly all the stalls were decorated with this same checked pattern.

02 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - Dreadlocks

This great looking guy was part of the recent Créole festival in Menton. I adore dreadlocks. If I come back in another life, I'll request, 'Rasta hair please.'

In the smaller photo, you see another guy with his dreadlocks pinned up.

Do you like dreadlocks?

Tomorrow - a gorgeous young beauty - and yes, her hair is worn in dreadlocks too. After that, we'll be over my dreadlocks obsession - and get back to the beach.

01 August 2008

Theme Day: Metal

The first of the month and Theme Day. Today's Theme is Metal so here's an rusty car I pass every time I drive down the Route de Gorbio to Menton. In winter, the vegetation dies back somewhat. At the moment, it's gone a bit crazy. What car is it? Perhaps an old Citroen? Anyone know?

It's hot and humid in Menton. The ozone level is nearly critical - people with breathing problems are told to stay indoors and the speed limit has been reduced on all motorways in the Alpes-Maritimes. The major culprit, of course, is the motor car, so perhaps it's just as well this car died long ago.

There are 184 City Daily Photo bloggers from all around the world taking part in today's Theme. Why not pay some of them a visit and see what 'metal' they found in their city to delight you. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

Thanks to Don, a regular visitor to Menton, who reminded me about this car.

31 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Créole Beauty

This gorgeous lady was working in the Guadaloupe tent at the Créole Festival. Note her face piercings - even a stud on a tooth. And how about that smile? Isn't that just fabulous.

373 year ago, the French landed in the West Indies. Since then, the history of the Caribbean and the Mediterranean has been intertwined. Christopher Columbus came from Genoa, Napoleon from Corsica - Josephine was a Créole. Menton paid hommage to this history recently - over three glorious days - when the town came alive to Créole rhythms, traditions, food and drink.

You can read more on the Créole peoples by clicking on the link.

30 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - Festival Créole!

Summertime in Menton means Fêtes galore - in Menton itself or in the surrounding hilltop villages. The Tango festival is over and, suddenly, we are into Créole - and how wonderful it is. Dance, music, clothes, food, wondrous drinks - great people - everyone having the best time.

Here you see some of the dancers crossing the road and walking back to their digs in the Old Town.

29 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Tattoo

A waitress at one of the cafés in the centre of Menton.

The Colours of Passion
By Andrea Weist

The song of the needle
Is the song of my heart,
And my love of the pain
Meets my love of the art.

The liquid, fresh ink
Tells of my thirst,
And I drink of my passion
Until my heart bursts...

And the colours of joy
Can be seen on my skin;
Brilliant as sunrise,
Delicious as sin.

Nathalie at Avignon Daily Photo mentions non-permanent tattoos (and a white rat!) in her post today. It now occurs to me that perhaps what we see here is a non-permanent tattoo? It could easily be henna, couldn't it?

28 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Dog Beach

There are two beaches that allow dogs in Menton - so both are great places for me to take photographs for Riviera Dogs. Dogs are very much part of Summertime in Menton though, so here's a happy dog today.

He's a four year old Labrador on holiday with his family from Milan. His name is Giorgio and he'd spent the day playing, swimming, having the greatest fun with a dog he'd met on the beach - a Golden/Pyrenean Mountain Dog mix called Astuss. You see them swimming together on the left. You'll find another photograph of Astuss on Riviera Dogs today. Click on the link - probably a better, sharper photo than Giorgio's but I wanted you to see Giorgio jumping for a stone.

The energy, such joy in life - living in the moment. Dogs teach us so much.

27 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Microlight

Competition result!

What you saw was a plastic barrel filled with water to prevent the aircraft lifting in the event of strong winds. The one you saw is on the tail (see it again in the smaller photo). There are two larger barrels attached to the wings and you can see one in the main photo, below the water.

The aeroplane is a Murphy Renegade Spirit. Bought in Belgium as a land plane and converted, with the help of some good friends of the owner, to a seaplane in Biscarrosse in the Landes department of France. It's classed as a ULM (microlight) in France. It is unique.

The plane is moored near to the phare (lighthouse) in the port of Garavan in summer but in winter is moved to a jetty in the centre of Garavan, away from any bad weather. And guess what, I'm invited to fly in her one day?

Thank you so much to everyone who tried to guess the answer. On reflection I realise this was a difficult competition. Perhaps I should have given 'Jonathan Livingstone Seagull' as a clue but then it might have been too easy. Although no one got its actual use, Steve from New Orleans Daily Photo was the first to use the word 'weight' - so a postcard of Menton goes to Steve. And another to Uselaine of Willits Daily Photo who suggestion that it was an egg sack incubating hundreds of these wins a postcard for originality and making me fall about with laughter.

26 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Tango Lesson

Each year Menton hosts four days of 'Ma Ville est Tango' - with Argentinian Tango demonstrations in the Palais des l'Europe. At various times of the day and evening, you'll find dancing in the streets of the Old Town. (The second link shows this last year.)

And here - along the sea - and in a large tent with a dance floor, you can take tango lessons.

Tomorrow: the results of yesterday's competition. Still time to enter - no one (so far) has guessed it correctly.

25 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - Competition Time!

The boat trip is over, so how about a competition to get our sun-soaked brain cells going...

We're in the port of Garavan at Menton. What is this and, specifically, what is it being used for?

First correct answer gets a postcard of Menton. Results - Sunday!

24 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Boat Trip - 11

Goodbye to Italy. We've had a great day. Lie back, feet off the end of the boat - enjoy those last few minutes before we reach the port of Garavan in Menton, tie up the boat and go on our way.

Thanks to everyone who came on this boat trip. Didn't we have fun? Perhaps we'll do it again someday.

Tomorrow - a competition. We'll be in the port of Garavan and there is 'something' in the water - what is it and more importantly, what is it used for? - come back tomorrow and take a look - a postcard of Menton to the first person who gets it right.

23 July 2008

Summertime in Menton - the Boat Trip - 10

We're on our way home. Menton is ahead. I'm shooting into the lowering sun - the light dances on the water, the mountains are in silhouette.

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