Everyone is pouring out of the church and then turning to await the appearance of the bride and groom. The gentleman with the buttonhole is the father of the bride. Don't you love his expression? He is positively bursting with pride and justifiably so. And don't you think he could play Hercule Poirot?
Results of the Caption Competition from two days ago. It was so difficult to choose a winner, because all the Captions were good and made me laugh. In the end I chose two different ways of interpreting what the boy might have said.
One is
Marley from Cheltenham Daily Photo, who wrote: "Fancy giving that a go?" I liked the brevity of this - just an aside, as it were. It seemed to go with the boy's expression.
The second is
Kate from Visual St. Paul, who perhaps got to the essence of what a child would really say with her choice - "Oh, gross."
A postcard of Menton will soon be on its way to Marley and Kate. Thanks so much to everyone who commented.