12 June 2009

Old Wall, Old Man

He's old and uses a stick but it wouldn't surprise me if this gentleman is pretty healthy. Why? Because he lives in the Old Town of Menton and so has to walk up and down steps and slopes each day. It's the same for those who live in the surrounding hill villages. They have no choice but to walk.

He's sitting opposite the Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs in the Place de l'Eglise, which adjoins the Parvis Saint-Michel - hence the beautiful mosaic beneath his feet.

Later...my buddy in Ohio wrote and asked if I'd tried this in Black and White. I had but decided to leave it in colour - to me Menton is all about the wonderful colours. Having said that, I do like it in B and W. What do YOU think? Which do you prefer?

11 June 2009

Watering Cans for the Departed

Watering cans and a cloth - essential care for the graves in Gorbio's cemetery. The sign talks about abandoned or expired concessions.

10 June 2009

The Plane Trees of France

The plane trees of France. Apart from Paris, one of my first memories of la France was as a teenager, driving down to the French Riviera. It took two or three days as we drove through tiny villages, stopping for long lazy lunches in the sun. There were no autoroutes in those days.

Narrow country roads, lined with plane trees - I've never forgotten - the beginning of my love affair with France.

Here's one of those wonders in the Jardin Biovès in Menton.

09 June 2009

The Bay of Garavan

Taken from the Old Cemetery, we are looking down on the Sablettes beach. Further along, we see the Port of Garavan and just beyond, Italy. The large square area, just before the port, is called the Stade and will soon be used when Menton welcomes the beautiful pure-blood Arabian horses for their annual Championship Show. Out of shot, and to our right, is the Old Port.

08 June 2009

Parking Place

The back wall of a private parking place just below the Monastery of l'Annonciade in Menton.

07 June 2009

Chess à la Carte - the Winner!

Here are the two young players we met yesterday. The winner showing his delight in winning. The pair of them never stopped playing and having the best fun.

06 June 2009

Chess à la Carte - the Young Players

This young man and his friend (see the last photo) played for hours, sometimes here with the large pieces - and sometimes at a table, against the clock and always with boundless enthusiasm.

'Every Chess Master was once a beginner'

- Chernev

05 June 2009

Chess à la Carte

A sunny day in les Jardins Biovès, 20 chess boards and you have 'Chess à la Carte.' An opportunity for anyone, young or old, experienced in playing Chess or not, to participate in an informal Chess tournament.

“You sit at the board and suddenly your heart leaps. Your hand trembles to pick up the piece and move it. But what Chess teaches you is that you
must sit there calmly and think about whether it’s really a good idea
and whether there are other better ideas”
-Stanley Kubrick

04 June 2009

The Basse Corniche

This is part of the Basse Corniche - the lower road - between Monaco and Menton. We are in part of Roquebrune-cap-Martin, waiting at temporary traffic lights, which is allowing the oncoming traffic to advance. These have been put in place for road works that have have been going on for months and months. The area of work changes, but the hold ups don't. As we wait at the lights, motorbikes filter between the oncoming traffic and our line of vehicles.

The motorbikes reach their destination long before we do.

If you want to see 'real' motorbikes, go visit Ramsey Daily Photo for the Isle of Man TT.

03 June 2009

Walking into the Menu

This photograph is dedicated to Nathalie from Avignon in Photos. She often posts marvellous reflection (and shadow) photographs on her wonderful blog. Recently she posted one and made the comment that you have to keep moving your position till you get it right. That's just what I did here. We are in Place G Clemenceau, looking at a restaurant window, the menu written on the glass. I got my position right so I could see the plane tree and restaurant tables in the reflection and then waited until the right people walked into the image - et voila!

02 June 2009


A cascade from a plant that appears to be a member of the banana family. I presume this is the fruit and wish I knew its name. There it was, swinging gently in the breeze, at the pretty Square Etats-Unis which is a small public garden surrounded by high buildings and used, in summer, for concerts.

01 June 2009

Theme Day: Feet

“My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet”

- Edith Wharton (American Novelist and short-story writer, 1862-1937)

To see how others in the City Daily Photo community have interpreted the theme of 'Feet' do click here to view thumbnails for all participants. You will find many great images to delight you.

31 May 2009

The Candle

A candle at Le Balico.

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."
- Buddha

Note: Since posting this, sadly Le Balico has been sold and is now under new management.

30 May 2009

Cimitière du Vieux Château

Yesterday's photograph was taken from one of the lower levels of the Old Cemetery. You can see the two steeples here and in that photograph.

Here we are looking down at the cemetery from the gardens of a house near to the Camping Saint Michel - a lovely part of Menton called Les Ciappes (near to le Fossan) and with wonderful views, as you see. The road you see is the Route de Castellar, a village way above Menton.

29 May 2009

The Resting Place

Statuary on top of the Chapel des Penitents Blancs provides a resting place for seagulls. Taken from the cemetery directly above the Old Town.

28 May 2009

Street Theatre - the Sunglasses

These sunglasses were very much part of this young actress's wardrobe.

In the smaller photogaph - a helping hand from one student to another.

27 May 2009

Street Theatre - Bimbo Circo

On every corner in Menton it seemed there was street theatre - here, at the Place du Cap, a circus act. These are a group of Italian children, Bimbo Circo, getting ready to perform on their mono-bikes.

26 May 2009

Street Theatre - the Pedestrians

This is the finale of yesterday's Italian street theatre. The boy, lifted aloft, has a white face.

Note the two people walking in front of the sitting audience - the lady with the gold bag and the man with grey hair. Both oblivious, it seems, to what is going on.

25 May 2009

Street Theatre - Blood

Nearly 700 children and adolescents took part in a day of street theatre recently. It was organised by the Service Education of Menton and called 'Rencontres Franco-Italiennes de Rue' and took place throughout the Old Town. The young actors came from Liguria, Piemont , the Var and the Alpes-Maritimes - which included, of course, Menton.

This young girl was part of an Italian group. I haven't a clue what it was all about but she was a good actress.

Note: the shop is the background is the Menton health shop for invalids - so she's in the right place!

24 May 2009

Chuckeroon's Menton - Facade

Today is the last day of this Guest Photographer series and Chuckeroon shows us the facade of the Old Town taken from the beach - one photograph in black and white and one in colour.

Thank you so much to Peter, Nathalie, Richard and Chuckeroon for sending their photos and most of all for the good times we had together. It's been just fascinating seeing how these talented photographers see Menton, Roquebrune, Gorbio and Monte Carlo.

I learned so much - how to see the 'bigger' picture and not always focus on the detail. Seeing shadows and reflections. And also learning to remember when I've changed settings on my camera! Don't ask!

Thanks Guys, come back soon!

Tomorrow - normal service will be resumed...

23 May 2009

Richard's Menton - the Old Town

This is a shot of the Old Town I just love - but I'd never thought of presenting it in black and white before. Of course, when the photograph is taken by Richard, then it's not a surprise. You can see all of Richard's Menton shots, (including Roquebrune, Gorbio and Monte Carlo) some taken on digital and some on film, by clicking on the link.

22 May 2009

Nathalie's Menton - the Beetle

Photographed by Nathalie on the ancient donkey track to Gorbio village.

21 May 2009

Peter's Menton - La Mer

Peter's photograph says it all really - the Mediterranean and palm trees. Click on the link to see a beautiful collage of photographs Peter took in the medieval village of Roquebrune.

20 May 2009

Chuckeroon's Menton - Erigeron karvinskianus

A long name for this small daisy-like plant photographed by Chuckeroon. You see it everywhere in the south of France, tumbling out of walls and seeding very easily. It's a very useful plant to fill gaps in a garden but beware, it can take over.

19 May 2009

Richard's Menton - the Parvis

In Richard's photo we are looking over a corner of the parvis (the square in front of the Basilica) down the rampes to the beach and the sea.

The mosaic decoration on the parvis was created in 1757 by Honoré III and is made of white and black stones formed in diamond shapes to depict the weapons of the princes. The rounded 'H' was the initial of the sovereign.

A few years ago - maybe seven, maybe more - we had terrible rains in November, just endless, and some of the rampes were badly damaged. Access was forbidden for months and eventually restoration was complete. It has been done well although one can tell the difference between the original stones and the new ones - perhaps not a suprise considering the difference in age and wear.

Of course you need none of this information to enjoy Richard's photograph.

18 May 2009

Nathalie's Menton - Alyssa

On our last day, we went up to the medieval village of Gorbio to see the baptism of two village children, Alyssa and Kylian. Here you see Nathalie's beautiful portrait of little Alyssa before the ceremony.

17 May 2009

Peter's Menton - Bougainvillea

A painted, cracked wall in the medieval village of Roquebrune by Peter. A perfect backdrop to bougainvillea.

16 May 2009

Chuckeroon's Menton - Place Honoré II

This group of buildings form Place Honoré II, named in honour of the Prince of Monaco (1597-1662) who was responsible for the creation of many of the great buildings of Menton, including the beautiful Basilica. To the left of this 'place' you can walk up very (very!) steep steps to the Basilica, or you can choose to walk (more gently) through Porte St. Antoine, along Rue Longue and climb the rampes.

Bet you didn't know all this, Chuckeroon, when you took the photograph.

15 May 2009

Richard's Menton - Life on the Côte d'Azur

Taken on Menton's rue Piétonne (pedestrian street) by Richard.

One of the many joys of life in Menton is sitting outside a bar watching the world go by...

14 May 2009

Nathalie's Menton - Kir Pétillant

Look at the good things you find at the Beausejour, the beautiful restaurant in the square of Gorbio, a medieval village 7 kilometres above Menton.

In this photograph by Nathalie of Avignon, we are looking at Kir Pétillant - made with sparkling wine, as opposed to champagne, when it would be called Kir Royale. The flavours - lavande, coquelicot, rose and violette (lavender, poppy, rose and violet).

For lunch, we chose the restaurant's speciality, La Farandole, which you can see by clicking on the link.

Please visit Richmond-upon-Thames for Chuckeroon's photo of this drink. I think it went down rather well with the visitors!

13 May 2009

Peter's Menton - the Postman

In the Old Town of Menton, Peter from Paris found the postman. Please click on Peter's link to see a marvellous collage and reportage of his time in Menton - so many marvellous photographs.

Some of you may remember the same postman last Christmas, when Rue Longue was still undergoing renovation. As you can see, in both photographs, he has the time of day for everyone - a good kind man.

12 May 2009

Bloggers who climb Trees

What do bloggers do when they meet on the French Riviera? Why, they climb a 2000 year old olive tree in the medieval village of Roquebrune, of course!

In this ancient olive tree, meet, from left to right - Richard from Zurich, Nathalie from Avignon, Chuckeroon from Richmond-upon-Thames and Peter from Paris.

(Smaller photo: Richard, Nathalie, Peter, Chuckeroon)

For other views of this amazing tree and to read its history, please click on the link.

From tomorrow on this blog
- and for the next couple of weeks - you'll be able to see photographs of Menton through the eyes of these talented photographers. Today, on Monte Carlo Daily Photo see Nathalie's vision of the casino.

Fabrizio from Turin was to have been here too but sadly, at the last minute, he couldn't make it. We missed you, Fabrizio and do hope you can make it next time.

11 May 2009

May in Menton - Echium

Every year I show you this amazing plant so here is some of this year's growth for anyone who hasn't yet seen it. It grows wild in the south of France, seeds easily and is loved by bees and butterflies. It's called Echium 'Pride of Madeira.' It can get a bit leggy after a few years and sometimes gets so heavy it falls over. Time then to take cuttings for the next year.

10 May 2009

May in Menton - the Deckchair

First choose your place. Next organise your deckchair. Now lean back and enjoy...

It's 8.45 h. Menton is in the distance with Italy beyond.

Apologies for lack of comments. It's a Blogger's Weekend at Menton with much photography, eating, drinking and laughter going on - with Nathalie from Avignon, Peter from Paris, Richard from Zurich and Chuckeroon from Richmond upon Thames. News and photos of a great weekend - which still continues...will appear from Tuesday. Wish you were all here...

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